Digital: Snooping in the age of social media
The access that private and public bodies have to our personal data has been a continual point of debate in the electronic age and the current passage through the Houses of Parliament of the Investigatory Powers Bill is a case in point
Research: State of the Risk Management Nation: Part Four: Future-proofing
The final section of Post’s research on risk management looks to the future and Michèle Bacchus asks the risk managers how they think insurance will fit into the digital world.
Sharing Economy: Taking a slice of the action
With the sharing economy growing year-on-year, what are the challenges and opportunities for the insurance industry?
Research: State of the Risk Management Nation: Part Three: Services
In the third part of this research, Michèle Bacchus asks the risk managers whether commodotisation is a concern and discusses the merits of the services offered by the insurance industry.
Europe: Unclear skies for drones
Civil drones are taking off in a big way, with high-flying commercial potential, but machines invading airspace and pointing cameras at the homes of celebrities have prompted calls to clip their wings
Broker - Commission: The question of commission
According to some, the trend for insurance brokers to ask for higher commissions shows no sign of abating – but is the evidence there to prove this is true?
Claims - Education: Learning lessons
Amid the backflips and shifts in government policy, education remains a competitive market for insurers, with specific challenges as austerity tightens budgets.
Research: State of the Risk Management Nation: Part Two: External influences
In the second part of the research, risk managers tell Michèle Bacchus their thoughts about regulation, brokers, and consolidation.
Asia Analysis: The sensors are coming
New sensor technology has huge potential for the insurance industry, but companies in Asia are lagging behind their Western counterparts writes Nicky Burridge.
Outsourcing: Shaping up to demonstrate customer focus
Service providers and insurers are sharpening up their outsourcing practices to bring them into line with tough new regulatory demands outlined by the Financial Conduct Authority a year ago.
Research: State of the Risk Management Nation: Part One: Relationships
For Post’s second research project of 2016, Michèle Bacchus asks 15 senior and junior risk managers for their views on insurers, brokers, regulation and what they would like the future of the sector to look like
Sport: High stakes for large events
Sports fans are about to enjoy two major events: the UEFA Euro in France and the Olympic Games in Brazil. As millions of people prepare to visit the host nations and crowd multiple venues, insurance has a crucial role to play.
Europe: Competition law - all over for Iber?
The Insurance Block Exemption Regulation is set to lapse on 31 March 2017, and the European Commission is not looking for a replacement. What will this mean for cooperation and competition?
Cyber insurance: Developing knowledge
With the number of cyber crimes increasing, knowledge of attacks is developing enough for cover to be rolled out. What are the options for insurers?
Research – InsuraInsight: Thinking small
SMEs are often described as the life blood of the UK economy. But what do these business owners and their insurance providers really think about the products and services they receive and offer? And how do both think these could be improved?
Debate on driverless car challenges increases ahead of consultation
The government’s planned consultation on driverless car regulation in coming months should help “coalesce minds”, according to the ABI, while manufacturer Volvo continues to push for a coherent system ahead of its Drive Me London trials next year.
In Depth: Haulage - a market in flux
The haulage industry poses many challenges to insurers, including a high volume of claims and a competitive rating environment.
In Depth: Social media investigations the first line of defence in fighting fraud
Information gleaned from open public sources is admissible in court.
In Depth: Insurer messages get ‘lost’ as brokers lament lack of face-to-face contact
Gaps in insurer regional offices and head count reduction are affecting services, claim brokers.
Research: State of the Young Insurer Nation Part 4: Tomorrow's World
In the fourth and final section of this research project, Michèle Bacchus asks young insurer employees how they see the future of insurance and what they feel they can learn from the older generation.
Affinity: Creating perfect partnerships
Despite the public outcry over the affinity partnership between Age UK and Ageas, a clear objective and strategy can reap rewards for both halves of a deal.
Expertise from A-Z - Personal injury reform: Brave new world?
Claims management companies are to come under the remit of the Financial Conduct Authority. What effect will this have on the sector?
Senior management: Parachuting in
With more senior management roles going to those from outside the general insurance industry, how will this affect the sector in the future?
Research: State of the Young Insurer Nation Part 3: Relationships
In the third section of the research, Michèle Bacchus asks 52 young insurer employees about the relationships the insurance industry has with the government and the general public.