
Q&A: Simon Axon, Teradata

Simon Axon, global financial services industry director at Teradata, explains how general insurance providers are lagging behind banks in making the most of their data and why Amazon’s style of operating should inspire boards to back investment in…

Personalise insurance or fall foul of disruptors

The potential of personalisation and embedded insurance continue to excite the insurance market. David Worsfold explores what progress is being made and whether the innovation is being driven by mainstream players, disruptors or a combination of the two.

Admiral to become ‘technology company selling insurance’

As Admiral celebrates the 20th anniversary of listing on the London Stock Exchange, one of the provider’s technology leaders has revealed: “Years ago, we were an insurance company. We want to be a technology company that sells insurance. That’s the shift…

Big Interview: Mark Bailie, Compare the Market

Mark Bailie, CEO of BGL Group, the owner of Compare the Market, sits down with Scott McGee to talk about the 'bad bank' at RBS, achieving ‘perfect’ price and product comparison, and his plans for the business moving forward.

Big Interview: David McMillan, Esure

David McMillan, CEO of Esure, on why he isn't frightened to shed volume in order to protect profitability, the pain points of the provider's digital transformation plus how customer expectations are now shaped by Uber's activity rather than Aviva's…

Amazon’s insurance exit has a Sting in the tail

Editor’s View: Emma Ann Hughes argues that if Amazon had been allowed to watch every move consumers make, then the retail giant’s Insurance Store would have obliterated insurers in the same way it emptied the high street.

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