Exercise Watermark set for insurer-specific rerun

The Association of British Insurers has confirmed Exercise Watermark, the government's emergency flood scenario run nationwide in March, will be re-enacted specifically for the insurance industry in August, in conjunction with the Cabinet Office.

Schemes: Scheming for success

Schemes business requires significant investment to make it work and underwriters are not prepared to tolerate poor profitability. But, as Jane Bernstein reports, the benefits are many and it remains attractive to brokers.

Roundtable - Cloud computing: head in the clouds

The term 'cloud computing' is very much in vogue. Post gathered together technology and insurance industry experts to debate whether the industry is ready to seize the opportunities it can offer. Amy Ellis reports.

New rating factors needed after European gender ban

Insurers will have to look at additional rating factors now that gender is not an option, following the European Court of Justice ruling that a person's sex can no longer be used to calculate insurance premiums or annuity rates.

View from the top: an updating challenge

Much has changed during my time in the broker market, but the one thing that hasn’t is that insurers still need to get their car insurance rates to the broker software houses some six weeks in advance. It will then be a whole month before we can change…

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