Crawford & Company

Time to focus on liability

Most employers don't spend too much time thinking about employers' liability, public liability and product liability unless they actually have a claim. So perhaps it is just as well that the national media is continually drawing attention to tragic…

Blog: Riots and claims, five years after the London unrest

When the ‘Black Lives Matter' protests on 5 August brought West London traffic to a standstill and cut off the M4 corridor into Heathrow Airport, one couldn't help thinking of the simmering social tensions that led to widespread rioting five years ago.

The Claims Process: Together again

Hammering down loss adjusters on fees proved a false economy for insurers as falling service standards merely wreaked more havoc on the industry’s reputation. But sense has prevailed and the two sectors are showing signs of a welcome reconciliation

Fraud: The fight goes on

The insurance fraud taskforce has reported, but now we are in limbo, so will there be work to ensure the report’s recommendations materialise or will it be a missed opportunity?

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