Crawford & Company
Career File: Clive Nicholls - Crawford & Company names new UK CEO
Clive Nicholls has been appointed as CEO of Crawford & Company UK & Ireland in a leadership reshuffle following its acquisition of GAB Robins.
Ageas unveils consolidated commercial claims panel
Crawford & Company and its recently acquired business GAB Robins are among the big winners following the consolidation of Ageas’ commercial claims panels.
Nicholls replaces Gladwell as Crawford UK & Ireland CEO
Clive Nicholls has been appointed as CEO of Crawford & Company UK & Ireland in a leadership reshuffle following its acquisition of GAB Robins.
Rigby replaces Harman as Crawford's European boss
Former GAB Robins CEO Kieran Rigby will lead Crawford and Company’s European operation in a move that results in the departure of Mark Harman from Crawford.
Crawford's Muress thanks staff and clients as CMA signs off on GAB Robins deal
The Competition and Markets Authority has unconditionally cleared the acquisition of GAB Robins by Crawford and Company after concluding its review of the purchase ahead of schedule.
Crawford & Company gets the CMA greenlight for GAB Robins integration
Crawford & Company this afternoon confirmed the Competition & Markets Authority had lifted the ban preventing its integration with recent acquisition GAB Robins.
International: A shortage of talent
With the number of qualified claims adjusters in Singapore falling by one-third over the past 10 years, the country is facing an acute shortage of talent
Market Moves - 29 January 2015
All the latest job moves in the insurance market.
Ace's Allan replaces Tait as Crawford's Singapore manager
Loss adjuster Crawford has hired Martin Allan, Ace's former regional head of personal claims, as general manager Singapore.
Post's Christmas Q&A
As the festive season is drawing to a close, Post caught up with some of the insurance industry's key players to talk miserable Christmas songs, Die Hard and Mr Blobby...
Bermingham exits Xchanging as Lloyd's consolidates market on to new claims scheme
Xchanging Claims Services executive director Paul Bermingham has left the company following the accelerated progress of the Lloyd's claims transformation programme.
Insurers unfazed by CMA probe into Crawford's GAB acquisition
Insurer claims specialists are relaxed about the Competition and Markets Authority investigation into Crawford’s £45.8m acquisition of GAB Robins.
Crawford hit with CMA enforcement order regarding GAB deal
The Competition and Markets Authority has launched an investigation into whether Crawford and Company’s acquisition of fellow loss adjuster GAB Robins will serve to diminish competition in the UK.
Blog: Top 5 TV insurance claims
How much would the insurance claim for the Downton Abbey fire have been? Crawford & Company's UK Major Loss team calculates the cost of small screen disasters.
Crawford EMEA boss denies GAB Robins deal will warrant claims handler job cuts
Rivals claim combined adjusters’ size will make it unattractive to small clients
Review of The Year: Loss adjusting
In the week that loss adjusting giant Crawford acquired GAB Robins for £45.8m, Post seeks loss adjusters’ views on how the rest of the year was for the sector and what 2015 holds in store
Crawford buys GAB Robins in £45.8m deal
Loss adjusting giant Crawford & Company has completed a deal to acquire GAB Robins in a deal worth £45.8m.
Former LAS COO Dunworth resurfaces at Direct Line
The former chief operating officer of LAS found a new role helping Direct Line manage its supply chain after nine months out of the industry.
Market Moves - 20 November 2014
All the latest job moves in the insurance market.
Marsh claims executive Croll joins Cunningham Lindsey
Cunningham Lindsey has hired Marsh claims executive Brian Croll as a customer service consultant based in Glasgow.
Panes takes on Asia CEO role at Crawford
Chris Panes has taken on the role of Asia CEO for loss adjuster Crawford after moving to Singapore at the beginning of the year.
Crawford-backed energy adjuster LWI to launch in Singapore
Lloyd Warwick International will open an Asia-Pacific regional office on 1 November in Singapore with four recruits from rival Charles Taylor.
Blog: Top 5 TV insurance claims
How much would the insurance claim for the Downton Abbey fire have been? Would JR Ewing's demand following the destruction of Southfork have resulted in a $40,000 monthly hotel bill? Crawford & Company's UK Major Loss team calculates the cost of these…
Penny Black’s Insurance Week - 23 October
Penny smuggled herself into this years annual lunch for the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters last week, and was rewarded with a suspicious sounding grace, led by Crawford’s Benedict Burke.