Comment - insurance law reform: Reform can't wait
Now plans to reform the legal framework for commercial insurance have been delayed, buyers are increasingly taking action to strengthen their rights in the event of a claim. John Hurrell argues the archaic law governing pre-contract disclosure is…
Penny Black's insurance week
This weekend, Harris Balcombe will sponsor football club Southport's Blue Square North tussle against Hyde, which could see the division's leaders take another step towards a return to the Blue Square Premier.
Ask the expert
Does it ever make sense to accept a counter offer?
ABI's vision shortsighted
I write in response to the recent article 'MIB chief's warning over extra Employers' Liability Tracing Office costs'.
View from the top: Staff cutbacks mean that we all pay the price
Recent events with Quinn Insurance have proved once again that choice often comes at a price. Solicitors, as many industries in the UK, are facing tough times. Income is down, claims are up and there is not much light at the end of the tunnel. Hard-hit…
Editor's comment: Taking your chances offHollywood Boulevard
For American movie lovers, if a film is said to be "unrated" it normally means that it is likely to be a bit edgier than the standard offerings pumped into the multiplexes and video chains.
Penny black's insurance week
With the British Insurance Brokers' Association conference soon upon us, insurers will be dusting off their stands and finalising which hangover cures they will be offering weary delegates. But for one new CEO the conference has come at a bad time.
Looking Back - Government pulls plug on EL pilot
Insurers' battle to cut employers' liability claims costs hit another snag this week after the government finally pulled the plug on its fast-track pilot.
Looking Back: Legal expenses insurance takes off
After five years in operation, DAS Legal Expenses is now writing approximately £100 000 in premiums every month and has achieved a profitable underwriting result in its last two trading years, according to Tony Holdsworth, DAS' general manager.
Letter: Irish should be backing Quinn Group
If every cloud must have a silver lining then one of the very few benefits from the recession has been the renewed focus on the importance of relationships in business. In our own industry, much has been said recently about the need for brokers and…
View from the top: In from the cold
If every cloud must have a silver lining then one of the very few benefits from the recession has been the renewed focus on the importance of relationships in business. In our own industry, much has been said recently about the need for brokers and…
Comment - ELIB: How much of a liability?
Phil Bird considers the controversial proposal to establish an employee compensation fund of last resort and questions the validity of some of the objections to it.
Editor's comment: Can the gap be filled?
A week on and the dust has yet to settle around the future of Quinn Insurance, both in the UK and Ireland.
Inside View: Worth the risk
Romania and Ukraine offer hidden opportunities for underwriting risk, say Joanna Gorska, Carlo Gallo and Sorana Parvulescu of Control Risks.
Rethink: Disaster proof
Our roundup of readers' opinions reveals that despite heavy natural catastrophe losses reinsurance rates are falling
Penny black's insurance week
With so many companies having changed their name of late it is easy for even the most avant-garde insurance observer such as one, to sound resolutely stuck in a late noughties time warp. So, Penny was relieved to hear she's not alone and that no amount…
5 years ago: Tories to rein in FSA if they win election
The Financial Services Authority will be given only six months to bring about a "lighter touch" to regulation if the Conservatives win the next General Election.
20 years ago: Crisis as Wallbrook is suspended
The London insurance market is facing a new crisis following the secretary of state for trade and industry Nicholas Ridley's decision to bar Wallbrook Insurance from underwriting new business, notably US excess liability risks, due to insufficient…
50 years ago: Twin is sent to jail for arson fraud
George and Jack Hart were identical twins. They worked together in the same firm as partners, and they lived together with their families in two flats in the same house.
Postbox: Use your votes wisely
I would like to congratulate Post on its pre-election coverage of the major parties, culminating in last week's insightful interview with Lord Myners.
Postbox: Best practice for owners is to not use consultants
Whether the Financial Services Authority regulation of insurance intermediaries of all shapes and sizes is necessary or appropriate and proportional does not change the fact that it is here to stay.
View from the top: Paving the way for a new government
Last week saw the final budget before the forthcoming general election. Regardless of who wins, it is important that the industry has an open and effective relationship with whichever party or composition of parties is in power.
Looking Back 10 years: Eastgate to sue Lindsey Morden
Claims assistance group Eastgate is suing the Lindsey Morden Group for more than £20m over the Hambro Assistance deal.
Looking Back 20 years: Telephone changes for London calls
Members of the Association of British Insurers are urging policyholders with burglar alarms linked to police stations with London 01 telephone numbers to ensure these are converted to take account of the changes British Telecom is making to London codes.