View from the top: the online commitment
There has never been a better time for us, as business insurers, to remind ourselves how it feels to be a customer — especially because being a customer, with smartphones and computers now constantly at close quarters, is changing month-by-month.
Postbox: industry needs government help on fraud
The landmark civil judgment in the case of Israr Hussain Shah, as reported in Post over the past fortnight, highlights a worrying issue for the industry.
Penny Black's insurance week
It is always heartening to see people battling adversity, and those in New Zealand have had it bad over the past six months.
Post Europe: Reinsurance matters to European commercial insurance buyers
Commercial insurance buyers have an interest in open and competitive reinsurance markets, because they realise that reinsurers play an important role in determining what coverage is available to cover their largest risks and how much it costs.
Reinsurance matters to European commercial insurance buyers
Commercial insurance buyers have an interest in open and competitive reinsurance markets, because they realise that reinsurers play an important role in determining what coverage is available to cover their largest risks and how much it costs.
Postbox: Internet training for fraud investigation is essential
I noted with considerable interest the success of Axa Corporate Solutions when, upon investigation, it uncovered a series of motor scam accidents involving a group of young people who were found to be linked via social network sites
Penny black's insurance week
You can say what you like about them, mused Penny, but insurance people know a good corporate jolly when they see one.
Postbox: the easy touch environment
We now have another report that tells us what is wrong with our industry. Embargoed until 11 March, the Transport Select Committee's report made the headlines with breakfast television blaming referral fees for the rises in premiums; later, radio put the…
Postbox: rate access is a reality
I was interested to read Phil Bunker's View from the Top in which he, quite rightly, challenged broker software houses to work more like the direct market and aggregators and enable insurer rate changes to be effected in a more frequent and efficient…
View From The Top: Delivering SME excellence
In the short time since I became SME director at RSA, small to medium-sized businesses have seen some dramatic changes.
Penny Black's Insurance Week - 31 March 2010
You can say what you like about them, mused Penny, but insurance people know a good corporate jolly when they see one.
Editor's Comment: Fairy godmothers and streets paved with gold?
Unfamiliar with the taste of success when it comes to lobbying for reform in the personal injury arena, insurers across the UK may still be waiting for the ‘Bobby Ewing in the shower’ moment.
Postbox: preaching to the converted
I read with interest Phil Bunker's View from the Top regarding the challenge of updating rates in the broker market, as this is a view we have held for some time and have already responded to.
Postbox: competency is crucial
I read the recent article "A focus on training" regarding professionalism in the claims sector with interest and wanted to take the opportunity to comment as it strikes me that a parity of focus doesn't exist between expertise in the property and motor…
Penny Black's insurance week
Penny jetted off to Dublin last weekend with the aim of celebrating a glorious triumph of England's rugby boys over the Irish.
Post history - five years ago: NIG senior management is finalised
Looking through Post's back catalogue paints a unique picture of more than 150 years of insurance news, as this highlight from five years ago reveals.
Postbox: Time to revisit underwriting essentials
I have worked in underwriting for more than 20 years and, while technology has massively increased the array of tools we have available to underwrite risk, it's frightening to realise how few improvements have been made to the professionalism of our…
Penny Black's insurance week
Allianz almost shot itself in the foot last week when it encouraged management trainee Stephanie Ogden to take part in a TV debate in which she passionately defended the university degree system.
View from the top: embrace update challenge
Sometimes, if you want to look forward, it helps to have a look back first. This seems particularly true for the upcoming Continuous Insurance Enforcement legislation.
Post Europe: View from the top - A shared responsibility for honest consumers
Ludicrous, stupid, unfair, illogical… these are just some of the comments I have heard from peers in the industry regarding the ruling by the European Court of Justice to annul the ‘insurance exemption’ from the gender directive as of December 2012.
View from the top - A shared responsibility for honest consumers
Ludicrous, stupid, unfair, illogical… these are just some of the comments I have heard from peers in the industry regarding the ruling by the European Court of Justice to annul the ‘insurance exemption’ from the gender directive as of December 2012.
Postbox: Are the dog days over?
Forty to 50 years ago, the London insurance market claimed it would offer cover for any legitimate risk and, as a young broker, I never imagined I would one day be frustrated by the failure to quote for a simple risk.
Postbox: Outflanking the gender ruling
If I am correct, the main reason for the better performance of women drivers is lower mileage. I think it is the case that on a 'loss-per-mile-driven' basis, they may be indistinguishable.
Post history - 30 years ago: Law Society examines insurance
Looking through Post's back catalogue paints a unique picture of more than 150 years of insurance news, as this highlight from 30 years ago reveals.