View from the Top: Spanish accident insurance
As far as insurance is concerned – and particularly accident cover – the economic situation is having a major effect on premium levels.
Sustaining work-related road safety in hard times
Research shows 16% of hospitalisation crashes and 24% of fatal crashes involve someone driving for work. Dr Will Murray puts forward the legal and financial case for European organisations implementing a collision free culture.
Postbox: Bursting for improvement
I have read with interest recently articles in insurance trade publications regarding the continuing cost of winter claims to the sector. According to their authors, the burst pipe claims 'event' at the end of 2010 and into 2011 will have a far greater…
View from the Top: Masters of our destiny
Henry Ford once said: "Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you're right." Insurers can learn from this simple nod to the power of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Guest comment - Referral fees: Take off the blinkers
The banning of referral fees should just be the beginning of a wider overhaul of the civil litigation system, argues Groupama managing director Laurent Matras.
Penny Black's insurance week
As if the big brokers don't have enough on their plate contending with regulators breathing down their necks, Aon and Willis now have to ward off Decepticons too.
Post Europe: Bancassurance a growth channel for commercial insurance
Banks in Italy currently hold just 4% of the general insurance market, however, with significant growth in demand for commercial insurance such as directors’ and officers’ Maurizio Ghilosso explains why this might be the ideal channel to tap into this…
Post Europe: View from the Top – What price pan-European regulation?
The increased attention on all aspects of regulation across Europe has the potential to slow down the drive for innovation. Ironically, this comes at a time when technology is making important gains in distribution and the simplification of the insurance…
View from the Top – What price pan-European regulation?
The increased attention on all aspects of regulation across Europe has the potential to slow down the drive for innovation. Ironically, this comes at a time when technology is making important gains in distribution and the simplification of the insurance…
Postbox - Twitter: the art of conversation
Recent articles in Post have detailed the insurance industry getting to grips with social media, and a simple misunderstanding seems to be at the heart for those that struggle.
Postbox: Gender quotas will only backfire
Reading Heather Jackson's analysis of Vince Cable's hopes for gender equality in the insurance industry, I agree that looking at the existing talent pool, holding consultations and limiting the number of directorships one person can hold should all be…
Penny Black's insurance week
Despite last week being a damp squib for British sport, with Andy Murray, the English cricket team, the England under-17s football side and then David Haye failing to deliver the goods, Penny can bring some good news.
View from the Top: A renewable future
The environmental case for renewable energy is indisputable. As well as helping to reduce CO2 emissions, it protects biodiversity, provides greater independence and secures energy supply.
View from the Top: A renewable future
The environmental case for renewable energy is indisputable. As well as helping to reduce CO2 emissions, it protects biodiversity, provides greater independence and secures energy supply.
Postbox: Unfair broad brush comparisons
I couldn't help but notice the story in Post on 16 June entitled 'Brokers warned networks no panacea'.
Editor's comment: Referral fees witch hunt
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later: public outrage at referral fees and the "gobsmacking" practice of insurers making money from passing on details of claimants to personal injury solicitors. Few, however, would have put money on it emanating…
Penny Black's insurance week
Last week, Penny found herself at the Association of British Insurers' biennial conference, where star guests included business secretary Vince Cable, Allianz chairman Clement Booth and BBC political editor Nick Robinson.
Post Europe: Product recall - ignore social media at your peril
Why companies should include a social media strategy in their product recall and crisis plans.
Product recall - ignore social media at your peril
Why companies should include a social media strategy in their product recall and crisis plans.
Penny Black's insurance week
Penny had to check the date when she received word of a new insurance policy for players of the magical game of Quidditch — championed by Harry Potter and his Hogwarts classmates.
View from the top: The pace of change
Twenty years ago the world wide web was in its infancy. E-mail, if it was used in the insurance industry, was limited and contained within organisations. Letters and faxes dominated. We may have had second generation mobile phones but the first UK text…
Editor's comment: Deadline decision time
It's not something a betting man would have ever wagered against but, as rumours continue to mount that the Solvency II implementation deadline will indeed be significantly pushed back, the UK insurance industry faces some difficult decisions.
Penny black's insurance week
One could be forgiven for losing track of what's going on behind the revolving door at Aviva Towers of late, where the UK insurance giant has been hit by a spate of senior management changes.
Post Europe: View from the Top: No need for European consumer collective redress
The European Commission is continuing to push for a system of collective redress for consumers that would allow a type of class action litigation.