Public sector

Interview - Ray Cox: True Brit

Brit may have taken its time in naming a new UK CEO, but now Ray Cox is in place he tells Jonathan Swift he is eager to build on his forerunner's legacy.

Interview - Adrian Colosso: The comeback kid

Having come close to going bust in 2005, Daniel Dunkley talks to Heath Lambert's chief executive Adrian Colosso about the challenges facing the firm as it continues to punch above its weight.

Environmental liability: The carrot or the stick?

The idea of a new compulsory insurance class appears to represent opportunity to some and a major risk to market stability for others. Ralph Savage reports on how compulsory financial provision for environmental damage is viewed and whether it could ever…

Stakeholders agree flood roadmap

Environment minister Richard Benyon attended a flood management summit and met with insurers to discuss how best to ensure that insurance is widely available for homes at risk of flooding.

Tree root damage claims cost over £37m

The public risk management association, Alarm, said that the issue of subsidence damage to property and the cost of related claims, where tree roots are seen as the main cause of the damage, is one that concerns many of its members, particularly those in…

Flood risk budget is slashed

The Environment Agency's budget for flood and coastal risk management has been slashed by £30m, following the government's plans to cut public spending by £6bn.

EL & PL: Building the wall

As fraudsters seek new areas to commit insurance fraud, Andrew Gillett reports on how the liability market is tackling this growing problem.

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