Public sector
Blog: Insuring devolution
The devolution of powers from central to local government and the resulting rise of super-combined authorities raise a number of issues and challenges for local authorities. Their insurers must be innovative if they are to manage these new highly complex…
Abuse claims expected to surge
Physical and sexual abuse claims have made the headlines in recent times but what role does the insurance industry have in paying out over these?
Claims - Education: Learning lessons
Amid the backflips and shifts in government policy, education remains a competitive market for insurers, with specific challenges as austerity tightens budgets.
Blog: Private sector pain for brokers part of the price of peace in Northern Ireland
It is almost 17 years to the day since the Good Friday Agreement brought an end to 30 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland, yet the lasting legacy of ‘The Troubles’ continues to have a profound effect on the local economy and the general…
Claimant's fraudulent broken ankle story discredited on You Tube
A Newcastle man who almost swindled his local authority’s insurance company out of £17,000 after lying about how he broke his ankle has been sentenced to 200 hours of unpaid work.
Drivers claiming £3.2m in compensation for pothole damage
Almost 50,000 UK drivers have claimed more than £3m in compensation from local councils for damage to vehicles caused by potholes over the last financial year, according to the RAC Foundation.
Amlin and XL to lead capacity for Aon public sector MGA
Global broker Aon has launched a managing general agent targeting the public sector with property, casualty, financial lines and motor classes of business.
In-Focus: Public Sector - Q&A Bill Sulman
Post spoke to Bill Sulman, director for public sector at Aon Risk Solutions, about the common business continuity threats for the public sector and how insurers, brokers and risk managers can work together for mutual benefit.
In-Focus: Public Sector - Business continuity management standing up to scrutiny
With the Civil Contingencies Act requiring public sector organisations to have robust business continuity management in place to ensure they can continue to provide key services in an emergency, failure to do so can have serious repercussions.
In Series: Mid-corporate Risks: Think about the future
Continuity planning myths include a demand on resources and significant organisation. How can mid-market firms use their expertise to reduce their exposure to loss – and how can insurers help?
Trade Voice: Floods are a chance to prove ourselves
Joined-up thinking and a collaborative approach to assisting families and businesses affected by this winter’s floods has been a point of interest.
Public sector growth plans boosted by Gallagher Heath sales hire
Gallagher Heath has appointed Anthony Needham to the newly created role of sales director in its public sector and education practice.
Public sector focus boosted by latest Aon Risk Solutions hire
Aon Risk Solutions has appointed John Shaftoe to the role of public sector director based in Aon’s Glasgow office.
National speed limit database still some way off, claims OS
Ordnance Survey has distanced itself from suggestions the launch of a national speed limit database is imminent, but has vowed to work to “better understand” complex information held on speed limits.
Child abuse report hidden amid insurance claims fears
The John Jillings’ report into abuse claims at children’s homes in north Wales was kept from the public amid fears it would generate costly insurance claims, the BBC has reported.
Marine: Tidal waves
Still reeling from recent huge losses, marine insurers cannot increase rates due to over-capacity – but is the outlook for the sector as negative as it seems?
Law report: Redundancy ruled lawful
This law report has been contributed by national law firm Berrymans Lace Mawer.
Insurers to benefit from public sector framework worth £850m
A national framework agreement, potentially worth £850m over four years to the insurance sector, has been announced by the Government Procurement Service and national procurement consortium, the Pro 5 Group.
Law report: Employment tribunal wrong to apportion liability
This law report has been contributed bby law firm Berrymans Lace Mawer.
QBE hopes to further bolster '100%' capacity arrangement with RMP
QBE director Craig Bennett has reaffirmed his company's commitment to a capacity arrangement with AJ Gallagher International managing general agent RMP, despite suggestions that public sector pressures could lead to a pull-out.
Gallagher expands public sector offering with Acumus acquisition
Arthur J Gallagher International has acquired housing association specialist intermediary Acumus for an undisclosed sum.
IFB to share data with local councils in new pilot
The Insurance Fraud Bureau has signed a new intelligence sharing agreement with local authorities' National Anti-Fraud Network Data & Intelligence Services.
Chartis exits "challenging" public sector
Chartis has claimed it is withdrawing from a longstanding arrangement underwriting UK public sector risks on behalf of an AJ Gallagher subsidiary because of a failure to secure "adequate and sustainable terms".
QBE wins Gallagher deal
QBE Europe has been appointed to underwrite public sector business for AJ Gallagher subsidiary RMP from 1 July.