Public sector

Blog: Insuring devolution

The devolution of powers from central to local government and the resulting rise of super-combined authorities raise a number of issues and challenges for local authorities. Their insurers must be innovative if they are to manage these new highly complex…

Abuse claims expected to surge

Physical and sexual abuse claims have made the headlines in recent times but what role does the insurance industry have in paying out over these?

Claims - Education: Learning lessons

Amid the backflips and shifts in government policy, education remains a competitive market for insurers, with specific challenges as austerity tightens budgets.

In-Focus: Public Sector - Q&A Bill Sulman

Post spoke to Bill Sulman, director for public sector at Aon Risk Solutions, about the common business continuity threats for the public sector and how insurers, brokers and risk managers can work together for mutual benefit.

Marine: Tidal waves

Still reeling from recent huge losses, marine insurers cannot increase rates due to over-capacity – but is the outlook for the sector as negative as it seems?

Chartis exits "challenging" public sector

Chartis has claimed it is withdrawing from a longstanding arrangement underwriting UK public sector risks on behalf of an AJ Gallagher subsidiary because of a failure to secure "adequate and sustainable terms".

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