Public sector

Comment: Delivering definitive data

The ability to know precisely where property risks are located and what risks surround those locations are vital elements of successful and accurate underwriting and pricing. To know that such data is regularly updated and maintained – and meets ISO…

Event insurance: Dancing in the street

Next year could be huge for the events 
industry, with the Diamond Jubilee 
and the London Olympics taking 
place. With a host of celebrations 
occurring, can the events 
insurance sector capitalise?

Atmospheric tanks: The big bang theory

The UK has recently seen a number of 
explosions involving atmospheric tanks, 
with major incidents at Buncefield and 
Pembroke. What caused the explosions 
and how can the risks be reduced?

Biba and government join forces over flood risk

The British Insurance Brokers’ Association is working with the government to ensure people in high-risk flood areas can still obtain insurance once the Association of British Insurers’ statement of principles expires.

BIS Countdown - Michael Tripp: From the heart

Charities are refocusing 
their efforts and business 
models away from simply relying 
on donations and towards building mutually 
advantageous partnerships with businesses. 
Michael Tripp asks whether the insurance industry can share their vision.

Disaster recovery - SME: Dealing with disaster

SMEs would flounder in the face of a disaster, with a large proportion going out of business completely. Edward Murray asks why, therefore, it remains so hard to get them to engage with disaster recovery planning.

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