Public sector

Charity insurance: Charitable status

Despite facing economic pressures, charities are being pushed into the spotlight as a natural fit to run services for the ‘Big Society’. Mark Ingram looks at developments in this sector.

Household - Flood risk: Removing the safety net

In two years, the insurance industry's pact with central government to provide flood cover for at-risk properties will cease to exist. Ralph Savage reports on how insurers are planning to meet the challenge post-2013.

Exercise Watermark set for insurer-specific rerun

The Association of British Insurers has confirmed Exercise Watermark, the government's emergency flood scenario run nationwide in March, will be re-enacted specifically for the insurance industry in August, in conjunction with the Cabinet Office.

Disease claims - occupational voice loss

Occupational voice loss is becoming a growing hazard, partly due to the rise in call centres. Paula Jefferson and Rachel Barbenel examine recent case outcomes and advise on avoiding and defending claims.

Councils face prospect of speculative asbestos claims

A local authority has failed in its bid to secure clarity over what constitutes a 'material increase' in risk where a mesothelioma claimant's exposure to asbestos is relatively low, arguably leaving councils vulnerable to higher numbers of speculative…

Legal update - winter damage claims

Severe cold snaps during the past two winters have propelled potholes to centre stage, provoking liability claims. Caroline Elson explains the arguments and outcomes of recent cases.

Penny Black’s insurance week

Penny was fortunate to be sunning herself in southern Spain earlier this week. With only a mild case of sunburn to attend to, she was shocked to hear one of her insurer pals had experienced a rather more unfortunate injury on his holiday.

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