Volkswagen telematics tie-up is ‘model for future’
Trak Global has tied up with Volkswagen to provide tech support for new drivers.
US consultancy Imaginatik to target UK and European insurers with Ingenin deal
US-based innovation consulting and software provider Imaginatik is to target the UK and European insurance sector after striking a partnership with Ingenin.
Blog: Ignite cooperation over anti-theft technology
A wave of keyless car theft has reversed the trend of declining claims losses for insurers. To find a solution, the industry should look back to the 1990s
Blog: Trolley or dolly? Machines, ethics and liability
The 'trolley dilemma' is a thought experiment from the 1960s that questions the ethical course of action when having to choose between two outcomes
Insurtech firm gets £200,000 in funding
A ‘disruptive’ insurtech firm specialising in risk management software has attracted £200,000 in debt funding.
Research editor's comment: Why we're the know-it-alls
Not that long ago I was involved in a discussion about the future of the modern world and was rather astounded to hear myself speak knowledgeably on the various aspects of the topic, compared with the other participants.
Blog: Digital initiatives shouldn't always start with the customer
While attempts to modernise customer-facing technology is laudable, if back-office functions have not been updated it can counterproductive
Blog: Uberisation of claims would be detrimental to customers in surge scenarios
Clive Nicholls, UK & Ireland CEO at Crawford & Company, disagrees loss adjusting will soon be disrupted by the 'gig economy'. He argues the industry cannot rely on freelancers to carry out claims surveys in surge scenarios.
Facebook investors back claims fraud detection start-up
An early Facebook investor has ploughed $10m (£6.8m) into a tech startup that uses artificial intelligence to detect fraudulent insurance claims.
Aviva seals exclusive deal with digital incubator Founders Factory
Aviva will be the exclusive financial services partner for digital accelerator and incubator Founders Factory over the next five years.
Legislative support extended to driverless cars
Autonomous cars have gained legislative backing in the Queen’s Speech today (18 May) as insurers hail the innovation as doing more to save lives than seatbelts.
Asia Analysis: The sensors are coming
New sensor technology has huge potential for the insurance industry, but companies in Asia are lagging behind their Western counterparts writes Nicky Burridge.
Cyber costs could be offset against IPT: report
A report into the state of cyber resilience raises the possible benefits of industry-specific tax breaks for companies investing in cyber measures, with the report from lobby group The City UK and Marsh stating industry should explore this with…
Survey shows growing demand for customer analytics in Asia
A Post survey shows the uptake and pace of customer data analytics for Asian insurance firms is on the rise.
Webinar catch-up:Building insurance brand loyalty in a digital age
We are told we live in a brand-obsessed age. Whilst consumers might be able to name the retailer or telecommunications operator they most readily identify with, when it comes to insurance price is still seen as the key driver as to where someone places…
Geo-blocking changes in Europe could have ‘substantial impact’ on insurers
The Actuarial Association of Europe has called on the European Commission to consider the definition of justifiable geo-blocking, especially in the context of insurance.
Biba 2016: Brokers should look to industry disruptors to stay ahead
Insurers shouldn't be alone in tackling market disruption, it’s time for brokers to get in on the act, according to Axa Assistance.
#BibaFever 2016 - Who has the go to stand?
According to this year's tagline, Biba 2016 is the "go to place". But whose stand is the go to stand?
Biba 2016: Biba forms cyber committee
"Firms of all sizes need to take action" against cyber risks, says the British Insurance Brokers' Association, which is setting up a committee of technical experts to provide its members with guidance on current risks and insurance available.
Telematics tales: Home is where the app is
For the past five years the general insurance industry has been buzzing about telematics.
C-Suite Insurer: Zurich's Karl Helgesen on the unprecedented pace of technology
As I look out to the horizon I can't help but feel incredibly excited and perhaps a little apprehensive. We are seeing technology develop at an unprecedented pace, coupled with a sharpened focus on the customer and a reform agenda that could change the…
Cyber insurance: Developing knowledge
With the number of cyber crimes increasing, knowledge of attacks is developing enough for cover to be rolled out. What are the options for insurers?
Blog: Digital is changing insurance
Digital innovation is changing the way the insurance industry operates, with providers beginning to embrace developments where technology can make life easier for the consumer.
Insurance Post: May 2016
The news this week, in case you missed it. And introducing our monthly edition.