
Analysis: Hurricane harm

Hurricane season has caused devastation across the Atlantic but, despite the human death toll, the impact on reinsurers is likely to be limited

Analysis: Back to school 2

In the second part of our Back To School Q&A, insurance big names recollect their most hated topics at school and what kind of work experience they did (find out which CEO swept roads as a summer job). They also share their ideas on how to improve the…

Analysis: Back to school

With school resuming this week in most areas, Post has asked insurers about their classroom memories. Many enjoyed maths and some had quite colourful teachers. Find out what sports the C-suite used to play and what role they see for financial education…

The challenges of Cyclone Debbie

Cyclone Debbie was the costliest natural catastrophe to hit Australia for six years, while the scale of the event spurred innovation among insurers writes Nicky Burridge.

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