La Nina cited as rain causes havoc in China
"Meu-Yu" monsoon rains led to multiple rounds of significant flooding across central and southern China throughout June killing at least 186 people across 26 provinces.
Top 50 UK Brokers Listing 2016 - one to 10
Post details the top 10 firms' headquarters, staff and major acquisitions
Roundtable: What will insurers of the future look like?
One of the big challenges the insurance industry faces is adapting to the increasing use of technology. Post, together with the Chartered Insurance Institute, took a look at what the future of the industry might look like
LGBT Cover: Over the rainbow
Pride in London Parade takes place on Saturday 25 June and this year's theme is #nofilter, encouraging lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to stop self-censoring and live their life as they are. To insure these customers as they are, do…
Airmic 2016: M&A plans should look at risk at an early stage
Insurance and risk should be on the table when companies merge, with the Association of Insurance and Risk Managers launching a guide for companies on the issue, in conjunction with Aon.
Aon UK
Rank: 3
JLT appoints Bruce Carnegie-Brown to board
JLT has appointed former Aon UK chair and Marsh UK and EMEA CEO Bruce Carnegie-Brown to its board as a non-executive director.
Businesses urged to understand terrorism exposure as European risk rises
2015 was the most lethal year for terrorist violence in Europe in nearly a decade, according to research from Aon Risk Solutions, which also found one-third of all attacks in the western world since January 2015 targeted private citizens and public…
Ex-Marsh executive Julie Page returns to Aon
Julie Page will take up the UK national managing director role at Aon Risk Solutions, following her departure as CEO of consumer and commercial at Marsh last year.
Hong Kong Analysis: SMEs' more sophisticated approach
Intense competition and a slowdown in China’s economy will make the Hong Kong SME market more challenging writes Nicky Burridge.
Aon's Hong Kong CEO resigns
Winnie Wong, CEO of Aon's Hong Kong operations, resigned last Friday (11 March) and is now on gardening leave.
Eight countries see reduction in political risk, Aon finds
For the first time in three years, more countries have experienced a reduction in political risk than an increase, Aon's 2016 political risk map shows.
Product Liability Food: Leaving a nasty taste
There are many toxic risks when it comes to food manufacture, with the recent Mars chocolate recall prompting businesses to assess their exposure
Aon's clients suffered $1bn of losses from Tianjin
Aon's clients alone have already suffered losses in excess of $1bn (£700m) from last year's Tianjin port disaster in China.
Former Towergate CRO joins Aon
Former Towergate group chief risk officer Keith Jackson has joined Aon UK as CRO.
The Post Power List 2016
In a year where regulation, natural disasters, consolidation and cyber/digital again look set to make waves, and when the country could learn if it’s in or out of the European Union, Post had a mind mapping session – with a bottle of wine – to see who…
Aon seeks partners for SME affinity growth
Aon Risk Solutions is seeking to expand its SME broker distribution channel through more Aon-appointed representatives for its Aon affinity division.
Aon international broking revenue falls 10% to $2.76bn despite organic gains
Aon has today reported its international broking arm – which includes the UK – saw revenue fall 10% to $2.76bn (2014: $3.05bn) in 2015. A figure that jumps to 12% less currency impact.
Aon partners with Catamaran for Indian joint venture
Global broking giant Aon is partnering with technology investment firm Catamaran to establish a broking start-up in India.
Durrant to join Marsh's claims team in Hong Kong
Kevin Durrant, head of customer management claims - Hong Kong at Zurich, is moving to Marsh later this month.
CII launches employer apprenticeship guide
The Chartered Insurance Institute has launched its employer apprenticeship guide as part of a drive to support firms with an appetite to take on apprentices.
C-Suite - Broker: Take my advice
The role of today’s broker goes beyond simply selling policies.
Axa Corporate Solutions plans UK push under new CEO Brown
Axa Corporate Solutions, the global division of the French insurer that focuses on large corporate risks, is planning to grow the volume of business it sources from the UK market following the hiring of London market veteran and former Aon EMEA head Rob…
Flooding in India highlights planning weaknesses, says Aon Benfield
Aon Benfield's modeling team Impact Forecasting believes India and other countries in Asia need to learn quickly from recent dramatic flooding.