Editor's comment: End of the composite nigh?
What a difference a few years makes, as major events this week underline a stark reversal in the fortune of the UK's two biggest insurance beasts.
Your say: Death by data or real opportunity?
The insurance industry has struggled to exploit the true value of data, says Vince Chaney.
View from the top: Fixing fees to fight fraud
Success depends on simultaneous change in insurer culture and claims handling philosophy, says Karl Parr
Editor's comment: The lure of Lloyd's
London's bid to elevate its appeal and competitive edge for financial services businesses deciding on the best domicile may still be subject to speculation on likely success, but the lure of Lloyd's is undeniably as strong as ever to international…
Your say: The challenge for LEIs
The sustainability of the traditional legal expenses model with its in-house legal operations is back on the agenda as some of the larger players in the sector implement rate rises.
View from the Top: Waiting for the next bus?
Core skills and expertise lead to success not waiting, says David Smith.
North of the Border: A change in equity law for Scotland?
The Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland is an independent charitable organisation, and one of four that distributes 1% of pre-tax profits for the bank to various charities.
View from the Top: Time to get a new haircut
The obsession with market cycles has to stop, says Brendan McManus.
Editor's comment: Setting course on uncertain seas
This week two of the UK's insurance powerhouses made announcements that, although very different in their nature, aimed to position the respective firms for the future.
View from the Top: The varying role of the broker across Europe
There is no perfect model for an insurance broker. The important aspect to focus on is not the way in which distribution in individual European countries - or sectors - works, but the continued collaboration of the industry as a whole.
Your say: End of the expenses era?
Recent high-profile expenses fraud prosecutions are prompting insurance companies to take a tougher stance with employees when it comes to recording and submitting expense claims.
View from the top: Business continuity needed for SMEs
Only 39% of SMEs have business interruption cover in place.
Editor's comment: Shaking up the market
Two of this week's market stories - emanating from opposite ends of the insurance supply chain, and arising from both home and abroad - carry the potential for significant shakeup in the months to come.
My best 11: Martin Egan, Direct Line Group
Direct Line Group national manager for property insurance advisers Martin Egan selects his best XI for an insurance start-up. Egan has leant heavily on the stars of League One side Bury as well as colleagues from his firm. His one celebrity pick is…
View from the top: Brokers failing to reach next-gen HNW customers
A new generation of potential high net worth customers are not being reached by brokers, says Justin Gott.
Editor's comment: Fleeing the family nest
This week’s deal developments read like two coming-of-age literary fables written to reward hard work and endeavour, while also serving as cautionary tales against potential fallout from familial difficulties in modern times.
Ask the expert: Ali Foroshani on Agency Worker Regulations
As a contractor, I'm worried that the new Agency Worker Regulations have put organisations off hiring temps. Have you noticed any evidence of this?
Your say: uncovering dishonest drivers
It is no secret that a large quantity of drivers who have not recently claimed, and whose circumstances have not changed, are nonetheless paying increased insurance premiums.
North of the border: presumption of death reforms
While Scotland has had a fairly clear procedure for dealing with the legal affairs of persons missing for longer than seven years since the Presumption of Death (Scotland) Act 1977, those south of the border have had to deal with "a legislative patchwork…
View from the top: equality without reform
Boards need competent individuals regardless of gender, rendering quotas irrelevant
View from the top: a riot to remember
As debates resurface about the response to last year's riots, the question of inadequate SME cover returns.
Your say: The reasons for standardisation
We would have been naive, here at Wunelli, to think our call for telematics data standardisation would not result in some debate, and we're pleased that it has - which is precisely why we are planning a think tank for all interested parties.
View from the top: The great rate debate
The rating environment continues to be the 'hot' topic in the insurance industry.
Regulation response: Twin peaks - a return to the dark ages?
Nature does not favour creatures with two heads, probably because they spend most of their time arguing with themselves.