Your say: Catalytic converters targeted
Having read the article on the authorities’ slow reactions to metal theft I wanted to highlight that another area being targeted by thieves is motor catalytic converters.
Your say: Tackle the dealers
I read with interest the recent article regarding the industry’s battle against metal thefts — ‘United response called for as metal theft cases see substantial increase’ – and fully support a more co-ordinated approach by insurers to tackle this issue.
Editor's comment: Tempting fate on features
Commissioning editorial copy can be a bit like tempting fate. This week’s broker-focused feature on mergers and acquisitions reflected back over 2011 as its starting point, when first conceived a couple of months ago, with a writer assigned to analyse…
View from the top: Lessons from the East
Catastrophes in Japan showed the resilience and strength of the industry, says Andrew McKee.
Claimant's view: A crisis of your own making?
What does a compensation culture look like? Is it statistics that show road traffic accident claims rising year-on-year? It cannot be employers’ liability statistics, which are falling.
View from the top: Getting power to the people
The insurance industry is in a unique position to generate opportunity from challenge, says Hamish Roberts.
Comment: Compensation culture - myth or reality?
Is the compensations culture a myth or reality? Tom Jones offers his personal opinion on this controversial topic.
View from the top: Fighting fraud
Insurers and intermediaries must act now to beat the rise in personal lines fraud, says Will price, BGL.
View from the top: Time for radical action on motor
Moving to a first-party system would fix many inherent problems and directly tackle inflated costs, says Andrew Torrance, Allianz Insurance.
Ask the expert
I plan to resign soon as, although I like the company I work for, I dislike my line manager. Is it wise to use my exit interview to make others aware of their poor management style or will that affect my references and my new job?
Your Say: Loss adjusting on the up
It was with some disappointment that I read the article in Post entitled ‘Alternative Methods’. It is clear the article was written to a specific agenda but, that aside, there were a number of statements I feel obliged to challenge.
Penny Black’s insurance week
Penny is rather partial to a good Christmas song to get her in the festive spirit but she does prefer the classics to be sung by the experts.
Editor's comment: Time for a scrap over metal
As an avid music lover, the year end is always a good time to catch up with the inevitable flurry of ‘best of’ lists to make sure that I have not missed out on any gems.
View from the top: Regulation - it’s a matter of the right amount
Time and again, debates rage as to the role of the European Central Bank in the crisis.
Penny Black’s insurance week
Penny was in her element when she attended the four-year anniversary of Ecclesiastical’s art and heritage team.
Your say: Nothing left to fight for
Following the recent credit hire case of Darren Bent, and the alleged fraudulent activity of Autofocus, isn’t it time for all insurers to fully embrace the general terms of agreement protocol?
Your say: Environmental lobby stance
I read the article on fire protection sprinklers, The market needs saturating with interest, and agree with Andrew Miller that the environmental issues could be used as an extremely effective argument in the UK to lobby government.
Your say: Over audits
I read with interest the article regarding claims audits - Forensic claims analyst issues warning as insurers fail to focus on audits.
Editor's comment: The winds of change
And so we end 2011 in a similar vein to December 2010, with loss adjusters doubling staff numbers, ramping up resources and putting into play their surge plans as severe weather conditions batter the UK.
View from the top: My showbiz life
It’s all go when you’re in demand, so Christmas is the perfect time of year to paws for thought and to reflect on the events of the past year.
Penny Black’s insurance week
With the festive period almost upon us Penny took a break from Christmas shopping to attend the numerous seasonal outings on offer from the ever-generous folks in the insurance world.
North of the border: Encouraging results
Manual handling case finds 'reasonable practicability' requirements are not insurmountable, says Simpson & Marwick associate David Pollok.
View from the top: Christmas wishes
Insurance intellectual capital must be mobilised to better defend client interests in 2012, says Lockton International CEO Julian James.
Your say: Urgent lessons must be learnt from the government’s critical riot report
The government’s interim report on the summer riots makes uncomfortable reading for the insurance industry.