Industry should make the most of the delay over NHS clawbacks
The insurance industry received a double dose of good news this week. Firstly, the Department of He...
Carlisle was treated with industry incompetence
Was the Carlisle recovery success reported last week talking about the same place where I saw incomp...
Barometer News
ABI database needs support
After the much-publicised delays in its fraud database, Debra Weekes' departure from the Association...
ABI will not loosen its grip on fraud
Readers of Post Magazine should be reassured that tackling insurance fraud remains a priority for th...
Fraud database progress should not be forgotten
I read with interest the editorial comment regarding the Association of British Insurers' fraud stra...
Toba or not Toba: that is the question
Terms of business agreements seem to be the latest hot topic, in particular for Lloyd's brokers, whi...
What price convenience?
Liability Comment
Self-regulation is dead: long live regulation as CSC dream fails
This week's news that the Claims Standards Council will relinquish its dream of regulating the accid...
Confusion over comp culture
Do I recall statisticians for the government recently telling us that the compensation culture does ...
Barometer News
Straight as an arrow
Regulatory Comment
The profits of doom
Understanding catastrophic tragedies should strengthen efforts by the insurance industry - and the world - to minimise risk
Transparency begins at home
Transparency will be one of the ubiquitous words of 2005 as brokers address the issues to emerge fro...
Special factors impacting the reinsurance market in 2005
What can we expect from the reinsurance market renewals later this year?
Airmic small broker fears are unfounded
The UK risk management association, Airmic, this week indicated that the broking fraternity will be ...
Barometer News
Eliot Spitzer has done us all a favour
In some quarters, the name Spitzer makes brokers spit and fizz with fury. It was, of course, the El...
What now for ABI fraud strategy?
The news that the Association of British Insurers' head of financial crime prevention Debra Weekes l...
CILA exam is now the 'gold standard'
I found myself in agreement with much of Chris Miller's article 'Adjusting to a changing world' (PM,...
Prettejohn "the zealot" fails on disclosure issue
Nick Prettejohn has demanded that the Financial Services Authority "change its conduct of business r...
Three years ago
Looking back
Pleural plaques ruling offers some clarity
The pleural plaques test litigation judgement is confusing, yet holds good news for insurers. Victor Rae-Reeves explains
Plaques case points to savings
The verdict in the long-awaited pleural plaques judgement saw both sides herald it as favourable thi...