Industry has chance to be true risk partner
As the risk management industry decamps to Brighton next week for the annual Association of Insuranc...
Barometer News
Can we avoid the price hikes of the 1990s?
Buyers of motor and home insurance are faced with a huge choice of providers with an even wider rang...
FSA must respond, not react
Our beloved consumer champion, the Financial Services Authority, was caught on the hop last week aft...
TOBA will help London progress
The recent Post Magazine coverage of the new model terms of business agreements was disappointingly ...
Barometer News
Trust is the way forward
I read with interest the article entitled 'Chain reaction' in the Post Magazine Property Supplement ...
Need must match policy
I read with interest the recent article 'Suspension without suspense', which assessed the changing d...
Trimming hospitality could raise stocks
The news that Aon is capping the hospitality budget that insurers can spend on their brokers has rai...
Barometer News
Looking for a long employee engagement
In today's competitive environment, many companies are discovering that meaningful employee engageme...
Rehab is no stick to beat claimants
The Forum of Insurance Lawyers welcomes the attention that the Association of Personal Injury Lawyer...
Is HBOS onto a winner?
The nation was in mourning this week with the announcement that the face of Esure, Michael Winner, h...
Detection more than a feeling
I have a further contribution to make to the fraud debate, following on from Mike Boon's recent comm...
Big or small, risk affects them all
The Association of Insurance and Risk Managers plans to forge closer links with smaller enterprises to secure mutual benefit. Andrew Cornish reports
Market should publicise invalid claims crackdown
The revelation that a woman has been sentenced to four months in prison for making a false claim aga...
Not all outsourcers are equal
The conclusions of the recent Financial Services Authority report into the security of Indian offsho...
Payment protection review is overdue
In recent days, the Financial Services Authority has revealed that it is undertaking "a major projec...
Barometer News
Up to speed
The Motor Insurers' Bureau may have to start getting tough to ensure the success of its database. Ashton West warns how its power to suspend compliance failures may hit brokers, as well as insurers
Personal lines reach far and wide
The past seven days have seen yet another report heralding the death of the personal lines high-stre...
four years ago
Looking back
TOBA fails on confidentiality
Despite the Lloyd's Market Association coming to a decision over a unified terms of business agreeme...