Barometer News
Database helps up the fraud stakes
While the insurance industry should be congratulated on its efforts to combat fraud, given the revel...
Comedian causes Churchill campaign to stall
Finally, it was good to see Churchill take decisive action over the news that Vic Reeves, who has vo...
Claims staff can't do it on their own
Norwich Union director of technical claims Dominic Clayden is completely right when he says that "ef...
Corporate bill does little to change accountability
The government's planned publication of a watered-down Draft Corporate Manslaughter Bill should be m...
FSA needs to get into the "real world"
There has been a lot of coverage recently accusing the Financial Services Authority of letting peopl...
Solicitors biased over claims limit
Of course Thompsons doesn't want the small claims limit increased from £1000 to £5000 - it would los...
Reinvention better than cure
In 1993, I was lucky to be involved in the birth of Corporate Capital at Lloyd's. It was 'do or die'...
16 years ago
Looking back
Falconer cracks down on "claims chancers"
Lord Falconer has confirmed the PM story that "claims chancers" - a phrase newly coined by the Const...
In defence of disaster recovery
Having read Mr Charlton's letter in a recent issue ('Carlisle was treated with industry incompetence...
Directors confused by scattered compliance
The necessity for legislative and regulatory compliance is uppermost in the minds of all IT director...
Seven-day updates can deliver vision
I am writing with regard to the suggestion that "insurers have abandoned plans for real-time updatin...
Time to back up the talk
The Association of British Insurers' proposals, announced this month, to halve the time taken by ins...
Will Heath reclaim past glories?
The news that Heath Lambert will charge a flat-rate payment for work of 1% of total premium throughp...
Barometer News
Industry fails to grasp the renewal challenge
The Association of British Insurers' attempts to improve the industry's image (PM, 11 March, p10) ar...
Barometer News
Is NU ready to brand and deliver?
When Aviva was revealed as the 'mystery bidder' for RAC on 9 March, it came as little surprise to ma...
Spitzer is just a symptom
Why are brokers concerned about the fallout in the UK from the Eliot Spitzer investigations in the U...
View from the Top
Industry must seize the opportunity to impress the public
Lloyd's brand debate raises questions for brokers
The news that Lloyd's is seeking to prescribe the use of its corporate brand is interesting. For the...
No long-term plan
Claimant's View
Businesses must keep up to date with crime
While crime will, no doubt, be one of the issues discussed in the lead up to the General Election, r...