The pricing factor is an age-old topic
I felt that I had to write to say how much I agree with Philip Bland's erudite and common-sense comm...
Is the market basically flawed?
The debate over the whys and wherefores of the new Fusion panel has met with a typically steely resp...
Healthcare and diet to blame
It is interesting to note that, in France, where smoking is endemic, and the thought of a smoking ba...
Policy black holes
Although trigger points for mesothelioma cases under public liability policies have been clarified by the Court of Appeal, Mark Burton explains how employers' liability cover gaps are being simultaneously exposed
The right to view
The Court of Appeal has ruled that Lloyd's insurance policies give underwriters the right to obtain copies of documents from insureds. Kenneth Underhill and James Stockwell report on the implications for the wider industry
DTI adds to cost of RTAs
While the Department of Transport and insurers' collective efforts have all had a significant contri...
British or English awards?
The advertisement for the British Insurance Awards (PM, 26 January) depicts Bobby Moore the captain ...
EUCC: London should be wary
It is always difficult to gauge whether the market is frightened enough regarding the European Union...
Broking market is not a tragedy
Before the dawn of statutory regulation, there was much talk about broker corpses littering the way ...
Manslaughter manifesto
With corporate manslaughter laws expected to be passed in the near future, Paul Wade compares the different approaches being taken in England and Wales, and Scotland
What has changed in half a century?
As I look back through my 50 years in the insurance industry, there have been many changes in insura...
Insurers face Lords test
"The judges would have a very different view if they had been exposed to asbestos but, of course, th...
All to play for
The Court of Appeal's decision in the pleural plaques test case of Grieves v Everard and Others will have a major impact on the claimant community, with some companies left in untenable positions, argues Toby Scott
Setting the foundations for run-off
There was a time when run-off was thought of as a passing phase in the insurance industry. It is now...
Admiral policy is a blast from the past
I read the reports of Admiral's multi-car policy with increasing disbelief and amazement last week. ...
Iraq is not a no-go area
Further to recent correspondence, we are happy to clarify the role of analysis in underwriting ('Ter...
That didn't hurt!
Dear friend, The toughest and most exciting renewal season for five years has come and gon...
To affinity and beyond
Looking at the UK affinity market, there is a growing trend for consumer brands to diversify and sel...
Towergate reunion marks new dawn
In March, Towergate will host an Axa reunion when former UK chief executive Andy Homer and southern ...
Terrorism is good for headlines but bad for advice
I read with great interest the recent article "UK warned of five further terrorist attacks" in Post ...
Cable and Wireless settlement is cause for regret
The news that Cable and Wireless is likely to agree an out-of-court settlement with the 18 defendant...
Panel reviews must focus
I read with interest the recent articles on the Royal Bank of Scotland Insurance and Fortis panel re...
Groupama looks to plug gap
One company's gain is another company's loss. Having positioned Ms Blanc at the forefront of its dis...
Will brokers get fIT in 2006?
After the Christmas break it is noticeable that gyms up and down the country are full, with people p...