Research raises questions for both
No doubt the claimant lawyer and union community will be quick to pour scorn on the Association of B...
Cornhill becomes latest brand on the run
To the roll-call of Guardian Royal Exchange, Commercial Union, General Accident, Lombard, Northern S...
History lessons
Karl Marx wrote "history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce". Though he wasn't always...
When is a broker not a broker?
Consolidation in the broker market is an often-debated topic in our industry, and this was shown a f...
Hardy has an eye on short-tail liability risks
We read the article entitled 'A fistful of dollars' with interest. I thought you would like to know ...
JLT Heath: who needs who the most?
"Regrettably, I am currently suffering a case of speculative laryngitis." So read the business cards...
Trial costs should be factored in
Alan Hines' article of 25 May makes some extremely valid points (PM, 25 May, p29). Insurers choosing...
Names kick off new litigation battle
Sadly, the management of the England football team discovered last weekend that having only one cont...
Crunch decision
Motor Claims
Summer fun - only joking!
Dear Friend, Welcome to the first-ever July issue of Reinsurance! Normally as the major announceme...
ABI speaks with the wrong voice
I read with great interest the letter by Association of British Insurers head of liability and motor...
Digital cloud lifted from PI insurers
After talk of professional indemnity insurers potentially taking a massive "gorilla-sized" hit in th...
Directive leaves much to be desired for all
There is no doubt that Financial Services Authority regulation of general insurance is, on the whole...
Backlash just the beginning
The announcement that the government is to amend the Compensation Bill to change the system of makin...
Traditional adjusting is necessary
I write regarding the recent Post Magazine article 'Morning Glory' (15 June, pp19-20), which explore...
Sign up for Insurance 5-a-side
The sixth annual Post Magazine Insurance 5's football competition will take place on Sunday 24 Septe...
ABI claims about EL progress ring hollow
The Association of British Insurers' submission to the government on the issue of tracing employers'...
Rehab regulation for all, by all
Having just read the article in Post Magazine, 'Rehab regulation closer' (1 June, p1), I felt compel...
Slimline RSA sets 2010 goals
Only five years ago, Royal and Sun Alliance was a composite insurer employing more than 20,000 peopl...
Industry needs to differentiate itself
I'm relatively new to what I call the 'pure' insurance industry but the parallels between the highly...
Give staff the tools to help them stay healthy
I was encouraged by the Confederation of British Industry report that said working days lost to abse...
Broker snub is just one issue with new PO push
I was encouraged to see that the Post Office has decided to enter the payment protection market, bec...
ABI fights small claims challenge
Association of British Insurers members fully back the need for reform of the UK compensation system...
Clients have final word over consolidation
At this busy time of broking consolidation, there are two big issues: the first is price and the sec...