Tax system is a threat to UK industry
In the past few days, Hiscox and Omega have announced their intentions to move their domicile to Ber...
Hiscox surprises no one with Bermuda move
This week the inevitable happened and Hiscox announced it was redomiciling to Bermuda. This is not s...
Is Liv Vic top five aim realistic?
Liverpool Victoria's proclamation that it wants to be a top five general insurance provider, along w...
Will lemmings continue to rule motor underwriting roost?
At last, some real signs that customers' expectations are being managed. We welcome the news that No...
Industry's reputation needs work
I was interested to read about the moves being made by the Property Claims Forum to attempt to impro...
A wholesale fight is the way to go
It's interesting to see that most brokers see consolidation by the so-called 'super-brokers' as thei...
Insurers in recruiting shocker
In an era when the news is full of stories of insurance companies downsizing or offshoring, Quinn Di...
Negative view must change
As a provider of mortgage payment protection insurance, my company was happy to have the opportunity...
Asbestos rules switch will reduce claims costs
I read with some interest David Croston's letter regarding the Health and Safety Commission's recomm...
Medical indemnity debate needed
I would like to comment on the article about the Medical Defence Union in the 31 August edition of P...
We must dive in to the talent pool
It's September and most of this year's crop of graduates and school leavers will soon be starting th...
Monte Carlo eyes elsewhere for Rendezvous
This weekend the annual Monte Carlo Rendezvous kicks off and the weather forecast for those packing ...
What do you want for Christmas?
Dear Friend, Monte Carlo attendees on the buying side are a bit like little boys writing letters to...
Super-brokers dilemma
In a recent Lloyd's-sponsored British Insurance Brokers' Association survey, interviewees from broke...
HSC will end asbestos free ride for firms
The risks connected with asbestos are extensive and also expensive - ask any underwriter that has un...
Reputation not up to scratch
Like a dusty vinyl collection locked away in the attic, the insurance industry appears to repeatedly...
CEO returns home to appease shareholders
Never was a revolving door more evident than at Highway Insurance, which this week welcomed back for...
Climate change preparation is key
"Climate change is the most severe problem we are facing today - more serious even than that of terr...
Flood defence on high ground
Can the situation on flood protection really be heading for a point of no return? As Stephen Haddril...
EU demands reveal mixed-up priorities
The irony of the European Commission's somewhat pedantic pushing of its legalistic point regarding c...
UK flood system should remain
The UK remains the only major developed country where flood insurance is offered as standard by the ...
Frustration at adjusting omission
I found the UK Loss Adjusters 2006 supplement interesting, however, I was disappointed that your sur...
Argent clarifies acquisition
I read the UK Loss Adjusters 2006 supplement with interest and found it most informative. I would, ...
Aon bites back after criticism
I would like to make a few points with regard to last week's article 'Aon move spurs rivals to criti...