Defusing the demographic time-bomb
With reports continuing to emerge about the lack of new talent entering the loss adjusting market, Benedict Burke gives his own personal take on the problems faced by the market and what can be done to address it.
On the chopping block?
News Analysis: Block Exemption Regulation
Testing times
Captives: Recession
Through the landmarks
Asbestos Litigation
The end of the rainbow?
Long-tail Disease: ELIB
Join the club
Broker Focus: Start-ups
The key to closure
Risk Manager Focus: Site closure
Negligence claim overturned due to 'over-exacting standard'
Pritchard Joyce & Hinds (a firm) v Batcup and another (Court of Appeal - 5 May 2009)
Access to justice
Jackson Review: ATE Insurance
Church not liable for actions
Maga v The Trustees of the Birmingham Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church (Queen's Bench Division - 22 April 2009)
Claimant exaggeration led to contempt charge
Walton v Kirk (Queen's Bench Division - 3 April 2009)
Driving on automatic
Motor Claims: First notification of loss
Exit strategies
Care costs conundrum
Catastrophic Personal Injury
Is the holiday over for Bermuda?
Bermuda: Politics
A rocky time for Bermuda
Bermuda: Re-visit
Becker on top
Bermuda: Interview
Slugging it out
Inside View
The Weekly
The Weekly
Captive king still reigns
Bermuda: Captives
A wake-up call
Richard Garnett says the time is now right for binder business on the London Market to join the digital revolution
An island under attack
Bermuda: Offshore taxation
A marriage made in heaven?
Procurement departments increasingly help risk managers make choices about insurance providers. This is an arrangement that often works well but only if both parties understand where they fit in. With a new guide to procurement set to be launched next…