Legal Update: Autonomous Vehicles: Motor evolution is imminent
Nick Rogers explores the coming changes to insurance that driverless cars will bring
Biba moots several changes to Insurance Bill
The British Insurance Brokers' Association has recommended a number of amendments in its written evidence to the Insurance Bill including around the disclosure of confidential information.
Biba launches sharing economy guide
Aon, Higos, Bluefin and Towergate are among the brokers that have signalled they can place risks for businesses operating within the sharing economy, according to the British Insurance Brokers' Association.
Counter-Terrorism Bill to go to parliament tomorrow
Home secretary Theresa May cited UN estimates that ransom payments raised up to £28m for militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the past 12 months as she yesterday announced intentions to ban ransom insurance payments.
Airmic throws support behind Pool Re modernisation plans
Risk management association Airmic has claimed plans to modernise Pool Re will make the terrorism reinsurance scheme more attractive to business as well as diversifying its risk base.
Insurers' ransom payments to be banned in Bill
A legislation change that will prevent insurers from making ransom payments to terrorist groups is expected to be announced today.
Lords appoints special committee on the insurance Bill
Lords appoints special public bill committee on the long-awaited Insurance Bill.
Pool Re members vote in favour of Treasury retrocession changes
Pool Re members have voted unanimously in favour of approving the demands made by HM Treasury for changes to its retrocession agreement.
Dates announced for dissolution of parliament and general election in 2015
The Leader of the House has announced that, subject to the progress of business, the last sitting day of parliament before the dissolution prior to the General Election will be on Thursday 26 March 2015.
Pool Re hails Treasury 'concessions' ahead of EGM vote
Pool Re has welcomed "significant concessions” from HM Treasury in its quest to modernise the terrorism scheme.
Thoresen passes ABI baton to deputy Evans
The Association of British Insurers has named Huw Evans as the successor to director general Otto Thoresen ahead of his move to National Employment Savings Trust in February next year.
RDT prepared for My Licence launch
Software provider RDT's Landscape platform has been upgraded to support soon-to-be-launched industry hub My Licence.
Environment Agency awards £300m flood risk contract
The Environment Agency has awarded a £300m flood risk management contract aimed at protecting £200bn of property to engineering company CH2M Hill.
ABI signs joint letter on driving licence reform as government progress stalls
Ethics around restricting driving and passengers could be blocking progress
Insurers sign up to cyber summit agreement with government
Twelve insurers have signed a joined pledge to more actively highlight cyber threats to UK businesses and work more closely with government to improve cyber security risk management.
Flood defence spending ‘insufficient’ says Audit Office
Spending on flood defences is insufficient to meet needs for maintenance according to a report from the National Audit Office.
Government's Pool Re levy increase leaves insurers little room to manoeuvre
The timing of the government's proposed increase to its Pool Re fee has left insurers with few options, according to market commentators, as time to negotiate alternative reinsurance arrangements is limited.
Road safety report calls for zero IPT rate for young drivers
The government should introduce a zero insurance premium tax rate for insured vehicles fitted with a telematics unit for drivers under the age of 25, according the Road Safety Foundation.
Insurers likely to benefit as Treasury looks to hike Pool Re fee
The government’s attempt to increase the fees it receives from Pool Re will provide substantial growth opportunities for independent insurers as buyers look for alternative cover, according to Lockton’s terrorism head.
Blog: State of the Broking Nation Findings, Week 2
Michael Lawrence of LV takes a look at the findings from this week's State of the Broking Nation research, which looked at commission and politics
Motorists voice safety concerns ahead of driverless car trials
One in three UK motorists are concerned that driverless cars could be dangerous, according to a survey carried out by Autoglass.
Industry backs Jackson’s call for fixed costs to be extended beyond PI claims
Lord Justice Jackson repeats call for fixed costs on all fast-track cases
Deputy Editor's Comment: Looking beyond the EU rhetoric
Is it impossible for anyone in public office to talk about the European Union without expressing or feigning anger for their own side’s short-term political gain? It seems that way this week.