
Roundtable: Building out from the back office

The hype over new technologies might have the industry excited. But there remains a question of whether these firms’ back offices are fit for purpose to enable them to maximise these customer facing investments. Against this backdrop, Post, in…

Analysis: Jumping into 2019

2019 is sure to be mostly about Brexit but, as Sam Barrett explains, there will be other challenges and opportunities for insurers as well

The Civil Liability Bill receives Royal Assent

The Civil Liability Bill, which aims to transform Britain’s motor compensation culture to create a fairer system for insurance customers and claimants alike, has received Royal Assent today and is now part of UK law.

Top 100 Insurtech: Quarter four update

It’s time for the final 2018 update on the Insurtech 100, the global index compiled for Post by Tällt Ventures. Here founder and CEO Matt Connolly rounds up the latest investment and partnership news.

This month: That sinking feeling

We may have enjoyed plenty of sunshine this summer, but spare a thought for the insurers. The ABI this week reported a record-breaking surge in subsidence claims.

This week: No alarms and no surprises

After more than two years of contingency planning, this week’s news that a proposed Brexit deal was likely to lead to a loss of passporting was met with no more than a shrug of the shoulders.

Blog: And the next CEO is…?

There continues to be change at the top of the UK's insurer board rooms. But instead of relying on the tried and tested recruitment strategies of the past, Consumer Intelligence's Ian Hughes suggests a more meaningful strategy to get the most out of your…

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