Penny Black's insurance week
One often hears that insurers have a few skeletons in their closets but that is nothing compared to ...
Would claimant law firm captive address 'blame claim game'?
I couldn't agree more with Leigh Kendall's comment ('Whose fault is the blame game?' PM, 23 Septembe...
Barometer News
View from the Top - E-trading is here to stay
According to a US newspaper report: "E-commerce services are the silver bullet that will enable comp...
What about the offshore risks of data protection?
From a personal perspective, I found the piece on India, 'An offshore thing' (PM, 28 October, pp14-1...
Is Independent D-Day really upon us?
This week brings more speculation that the Serious Fraud Office inquiry into Independent Insurance i...
FSA product scrutiny raises doubts over level playing field
The news that the Financial Services Authority is weighing the possibility of scrutinising general i...
Penny Black's insurance week
The talk of the Square Mile this week was that one Lloyd's vehicle had its business plan for 2005 re...
How has it come to this?
There have been occasions in the past where the working practices of the (re)insurance industry have...
The year of the storms may not whip up prices in the global reinsurance market
2004 will likely be remembered as one of the most active seasons in the history of tropical storms. ...
Don't let the battle cloud the war
Henry Keeling offers a reminder that the sector is only as strong as its weakest link in the bigger picture of global equity markets
Claims code: it will be good to talk
The insurance industry needs a customer-focused underwriting and claims code, as highlighted by Post...
FSA needs to open up on Spitzer
The UK insurance industry is desperately in need of some leadership over the whole Spitzer affair. I...
Industry needs to unite on motor
I welcome news of the latest development in the motor insurance industry's movement towards ending t...
Will brokers or insurers be more affected by status disclosure?
One of the key features of the new regulatory regime for brokers will be status disclosure. This req...
This year's model?
Expert Comment: Spitzer Inquiry
Insurance case may be new Fairchild
The industry's decision to launch a case that could see insurers' bills for pleural plaques compensa...
ABI committed to GI market
Your readers should be in no doubt about the Association of British Insurers' continued commitment t...
Anti-competitive insurance practices
Barometer News
Will the UK be Spitzered?
The news Eliot Spitzer is embarking on a one-man crusade to take on some of the largest insurance br...
Clarity needed in wake of US Marsh case
Although I have no wish to take issue with its expressed views on the subject of Marsh and the actio...
Expert fears exaggeration
In reference to a recent article by Alan Dury of DLA (PM, 30 September, p17), I was astonished to re...
Shocked by coverless employees
I am rarely inclined to comment on articles I read but I find the prospect of uninsured employees sh...
View from the Top - Cost versus service - you decide
Balancing the demands and expectations of shareholders, customers and employees is a mighty challeng...