Apil's Brett Dixon on flying solo in court
As the industry awaits news of the Civil Liability Bill, Brett Dixon, president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, argues the courts are not the place for injured people flying solo.
Insurers call for tougher rules as government launches home building plan
Insurers have called for tough new building regulations as the government plans to create thousands of new homes a year.
Industry reacts to proposals on discount rate
The insurance industry has reacted to the Justice Committee’s proposals on discount rate reform.
Industry welcomes ILS legislation approval
The insurance sector has welcomed the decision taken yesterday by the Delegated Legislation Committee in Parliament to allow proposed insurance-linked securities regulations to pass.
LMG outlines post-Brexit free trade agreement
The London Market Group has outlined a free trade agreement for the insurance sector to help the industry navigate trade issues during Brexit negotiations.
PRA outlines supervisory framework for ILS
The Prudential Regulation Authority has published final rules setting out how it will authorise and supervise insurance special purpose vehicles, which will be used to issue insurance linked securities in the UK.
Blog: Reacting to turmoil
Michael Lynch, head of partnerships for Minster Law, believes insurers can bring certainty to those they help.
International: Trade credit demand is up
European political instability and financial regulations are pushing demand for trade credit cover, especially from banks that are keen on optimising their capital.
Lloyds Bank's Bill Cooper on the attraction of illiquid investments
The protracted low interest rates and poor profitability could make illiquid assets increasingly attractive for insurance investors according to Bill Cooper, managing director and global head of insurance at Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking.
This Week in Post: Red suns and robots
A Blade Runner mist engulfed London on Monday as storm Ophelia blew Saharan sand into the capital. Struck by the eerie atmosphere, City workers tweeted pictures of the yellow sky, which an Irish commentator promised to look at “as soon as our houses land…
Insurance industry 'one of main influences' of UK cyber resilience, minister says
The insurance industry is at the forefront of helping to increase cyber resilience among businesses in the UK, the minister for digital, Matthew Hancock has said.
Brightside's Mark Cliff on the impact of the discount rate for brokers
Insurers have been vocal about their feelings about the discount rate but Mark Cliff, executive chairman at Brightside Group, notes this has also affected brokers, who have been at the sharp end of market turmoil.
Government pushes for collaboration with insurers on cyber security
Both the government and insurers share a join responsibility in setting a standard for cyber security and protecting businesses, the government has said.
Industry calls for driverless cars bill to be 'straightforward'
Insurers have called for laws on driverless cars to be "as straightforward as possible".
Outdated fire regulations putting lives at risk, says ABI
The Association of British Insurers has called for a change to fire safety regulations asking for a clearer framework of responsibility for all those in the protection of buildings from fire.
Hammond admits post-Brexit loss of passporting could ‘create legal uncertainties’
The UK government has admitted it is aware of the legal challenges posed by a potential loss of passporting rights.
Aviva's Paul Heybourne on driving undisturbed
With technology rapidly changing what cars look like, Paul Heybourne, head of innovation operations for Aviva, maps the motoring landscape of the future.
Top UK insurers 2017
Hit by a negative discount rate, the top 100 UK insurers reported a combined underwriting loss last year. What other challenges has the market faced?
Analysis: Cyber threats and opportunities
Businesses are opening themselves up to online exposures every single day. What do companies and insurers need to do to bring themselves up to speed with these new risks and incoming regulations affecting this area?
Everest Re gains approval for Dublin post-Brexit hub
Everest Re has been granted in principle regulatory approval for a Dublin-based subsidiary.
Ogden reform could see fewer shocks to industry
Ogden reform could see fewer shocks from discount rate changes in future, AM Best said.
Foil's Nigel Teasdale on engaging with Europe after Brexit
The UK's Brexit Withdrawal Bill is making its way through parliament but Nigel Teasdale, president of the Forum of Insurance Lawyers and partner at DWF, believes this will make interactions with the European Union even more important for the insurance…
UK businesses call for three-year Brexit transitional deal
Insurers have joined more than 100 businesses in signing a letter to the Brexit negotiators asking for a transition period of up to three years.
The ABI's James Dalton on why the discount rate is not a job done yet
Insurers scored a victory on the discount rate but still have work to do, says James Dalton, director for general insurance policy at the Association of British Insurers.