
Apil's Brett Dixon on flying solo in court

As the industry awaits news of the Civil Liability Bill, Brett Dixon, president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, argues the courts are not the place for injured people flying solo.

This Week in Post: Red suns and robots

A Blade Runner mist engulfed London on Monday as storm Ophelia blew Saharan sand into the capital. Struck by the eerie atmosphere, City workers tweeted pictures of the yellow sky, which an Irish commentator promised to look at “as soon as our houses land…

Top UK insurers 2017

Hit by a negative discount rate, the top 100 UK insurers reported a combined underwriting loss last year. What other challenges has the market faced?

Analysis: Cyber threats and opportunities

Businesses are opening themselves up to online exposures every single day. What do companies and insurers need to do to bring themselves up to speed with these new risks and incoming regulations affecting this area?

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