
Spotlight: Motor – The future of pricing

Changing consumer behaviour, the economic climate and a review of pricing practices are some of the challenges facing the motor insurance sector currently. Our research looked in more depth at how these changes might impact the sector, its pricing and…

Changes to small claims track limit branded 'token gesture'

The £500 increase to the small claims track limit for non road traffic accident-related claims has been branded a "token gesture" by an insurer claims boss, who flagged concerns that it may not stop claims management companies from bringing speculative…

RSA's Rob Flynn on embracing the SME evolution

Nearly six million small companies make up the backbone of the UK economy and the last 12 months have seen them adapt in ways that they have never had to before. Rob Flynn, director of UK SME at RSA, asks what insurers can and should be doing to help…

Spotlight: Claims - Selecting the right TPA partner

When it comes to working with a third-party administrator for property claims, how far should an insurer go? Whether it is taking on service from start to finish or only focusing on key elements such as the repairer network or emergency call out facility…

Spotlight: Surety bonds - The evolving energy sector

Surety bonds can offer companies across various industries a method of managing their liquidity challenges. Post looks at the rapidly changing energy sector and how surety guarantees are a potential solution for managing risks if companies are unable to…

CII posts £4.9m loss for 2020

The Chartered Insurance Institute has reported a £4.9m loss for the year ended 31 December 2020 as a drop in income caused by the coronavirus pandemic more than outweighed reduced operational expenditure.

Video Q&A: ActiveQuote CEO Rob Saunders

Post content director Jonathan Swift talks to Rob Saunders, CEO of ActiveQuote about how the income protection market has changed since the Covid-19 pandemic and what its future could look like as consumers become increasingly aware of the need to…

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