Foreign reinsurers tighten their grip.
Foreign reinsurers have tightened their grip on the US reinsurance market, according to a new report...
Run-off set to maintain its size for some time.
The £33bn run-off market for UK general insurance looks set to maintain its size for some time come,...
Liberty sets up Paris office
Liberty Mutual subsidiary Liberty Syndicates has set up an office in Paris as a part of its push to d...
Fitch still negative about reinsurance sector
Fitch Ratings has announced it is maintaining its negative outlook for the global reinsurance sector,...
New survey shows size of run-off market
More than £4bn of shareholders' funds is being tied up in run-off business at UK non-life companies, ...
CEA adds to IAS criticism
The Comite Europeen des Assurances (CEA), Europe's federation of the (re)insurance industry, has wel...
Swiss Re has had its financial strength and counterparty credit ratings lowered by Standard & Poor's...
Claims - Rising to the challenge
In the current climate of mixed fortunes for reinsurers, changes in claims management are imminent and essential
US regulators hit out against asbestos litigation
US regulators have appealed to the US Congress to make any future asbestos legislation fair to insur...
Claims - Points of concern
As asbestos and other toxic torts prove increasingly problematic for reinsurers, the industry needs to be suitably armed with adequate claims management procedures
Max Re gets Irish thumbs up
Max Re subsidiary Max Insurance has received the go-ahead to write non-life insurance in Ireland fro...
The walls are coming down
China is becoming a land of opportunity for foreign reinsurers, but it may be a while before its full potential can be exploited
Swiss Re agrees storm risk swap
Swiss Re and Japanese (re)insurance company Mitsui Sumitomo have arranged a $100m catastrophe risk s...
Parliamentary task force calls for less litigation and increased efficiency
Worries about whether the UK is becoming too obsessed with compensation have increased to the point ...
Investment - Once bitten, twice shy?
(Re)insurers are adjusting their investment methods and adopting core-satellite strategies. Could this offer an answer to a volatile bear market?
Claims - The need for speed
Reinsurers are having to prove they have claims management systems in place
Poland - Getting the green light
As Poland's entry into the EU draws nearer, what does the (re)insurance market there has to offer?
P&I club calls for more regulation
The London P&I club has called for more regulation from all sides of the shipping industry to minimi...
Aeroflot receives finance boost.
Standard Bank London, assisted by its newly opened affiliate company in Russia, ZAO Standard Bank, h...
Commentary - General rule of discretion.
The general rule is that the unsuccessful party will be ordered to pay the costs of the successful p...
Industry role in downfall questioned.
A leading credit insurer has dismissed claims that the beleaguered electrical retailer Powerhouse wa...
Action group to review Ombudsman.
The Equitable Members Action Group is to seek leave of the court for a judicial review into the find...
Bomb blast fails to deter India-based insurers.
UK insurers have insisted they will continue to increase their penetration into the Indian marketpla...
Under starter's orders.
Despite the government's recent announcement that the five tests for UK entry to the euro have yet to be met, the long-term implications of New Labour's commitment to joining will present insurers with major hurdles to clear, says David Fanning.