Moody’s confirms MMC ratings
Moody's Investors Service announced today that it has confirmed the senior debt rating of Marsh & McLennan Companies at Baa2 (Adequate). The outlook for the ratings is negative.
EU decision: insurers must pay VAT on outsourced services
The European Court of Justice has decided that outsourced services provided to insurance companies, such as claims handling, should not be exempt from value added tax. The ruling relates to back-office services provided by outside contractor Accenture to…
3 March National Security Inspectorate - Reducing Risk Together seminar Leeds United Football Club...
Two-pronged claims clean-up
The introduction of statutory regulation (see p1) has coincided with the government's launch of two ...
Lloyd's 'outdated' practices come under fire from broker
Lloyd's practices have come under fire from the chief executive of broker Stuart Alexander who backe...
FSA deadline set for broker web returns
The Financial Services Authority this week insisted its requirement for firms to submit web-based re...
Toba or not Toba: that is the question
Terms of business agreements seem to be the latest hot topic, in particular for Lloyd's brokers, whi...
Negligence must be clear
Chairman's report: update from the last meeting
Advisory Board Roy Hebburn, divisional claims manager (technical) at Allianz Cornhill has joined th...
The AIRM to survey members on new broking practices
The Association of Insurance and Risk Managers will reveal later this year whether it believes new b...
Self-regulation is dead: long live regulation as CSC dream fails
This week's news that the Claims Standards Council will relinquish its dream of regulating the accid...
Indian suppliers targeted in food recall
Product liability insurers involved in the Sudan 1 recall may try to recover potential costs from In...
Uncertain future over unlimited liability business
The uncertain future over unlimited liability business for motor personal injury claims has prompted...
Straight as an arrow
Regulatory Comment
JLT: commissions are under review
International broker JLT has revealed it has not abandoned the possible receipt of contingent commis...
EC threatens tax-exempt mutual insurers
The European Commission has recommended that France abolish, by 1 January 2006, the exemption from tax on insurance contracts enjoyed by mutual and provident societies in the case of non-health insurance risks.
Risky business
Assessing levels of risk is vital for any company. Marc Jones looks at the potential worries ahead for 2005
What does it take to get a complete deal file around here?
The current regulatory environment for insurers, reinsurers and brokers is placing significant press...
SEC to look at Sarbanes-Oxley Act
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced that it will host a roundtable discussion...
Onward and upward
Lloyd's is in a position of strength for 2005 but Julian James says there is no room for complacency
Insurance Act amended on Bermuda
The Insurance Amendment Act 2004 has come into effect for the insurance industry on Bermuda. The Ac...
Moody's rates AXA