Blog: Sports and sponsorships
What do Dele Alli, Ashley Young and the Singapore Swimming Association all have in common?
Regional review: Jersey
The largest of the British Channel Islands, Jersey is located 100 miles from the south of England and 14 miles off the French coast. Covering 45 square miles, the island offers one of the world’s major international finance centres. For the island's…
Interview: Matthew Reed, Equipsme
A veteran of brokers Towergate and Hyperion Group, and latterly insurer Axa, Matthew Reed is now fronting his own insurtech. Here he speaks to Jonathan Swift about how the managing general agent plans to make it easier for brokers to sell corporate…
Editor's comment: Raising them right
As the mother of a nine-year-old, I’ve passed the stage (I hope) of having to tell my son not to pull hair or bite other people, or order him to share his toys and tidy up after himself.
Top 100 insurtech firms 2018
Over the past four years insurtech has become a very familiar word and start-ups are launching every day to target sectors underserved by traditional insurance. Post, in association with Tällt Ventures, indexes those that have the most potential to…
Brokers informed: W&I for bricks and mortar
Warranty and indemnity insurance has seen significant growth in the real estate sector over the last few years. And, with the cover offering significant advantages to those involved in real estate deals, many expect it to become a standard part of any…
Blog: How to stop silicosis becoming the new asbestos
Silicosis could result in claims if employers don't manage risks correctly, explains Andy Miller, technical risk control manager at Allianz UK, wondering whether a tougher approach might be needed.
Analysis: Global run-off market remains buoyant
The perfect storm of conditions that has allowed the legacy sector to boom over the past couple of years looks set to continue throughout 2018 as capital continues to flow into the market, fuelling a pipeline of deals.
CBL-owned broker struggling to get approval in France
SFS France, which is owned by CBL, is having difficulties getting approval from Orias, the French association registering and approving brokers.
Analysis: What happened to CBL Insurance?
Last month once again saw a passported insurer placed into liquidation, with the collapse of CBL causing ripples throughout Europe
Analysis: Passing up on passporting
What next after the UK ruled out maintaining passporting within the European Union?
Blog: Segmentation can help insurers enter new markets
Chris Cowan, managing director of Clusters, argues a targeted approach can help insurance companies stand out in a crowded market.
Biba signs deal to gain post-Brexit EU access
UK brokers will be granted an introduction to European brokers in order to continue to write business across the Channel, under a deal announced by the British Insurance Brokers’ Association.
City Minister on why the government is supporting insurance as the engine of the economy
City Minister John Glen is confident the new UK framework for insurance linked securities will help the market grow.
This week: The consequences of buying big
By far the biggest purchase I ever made was when I bought my house.
Aviva has £600m war chest for acquisitions
Exclusive: Aviva has a £600m war chest for bolt-on acquisitions, but the money would only be spent on firms which add “significant value” to the group.