
Regional Review: Leeds

The fact that Leeds is a city on the up has not been lost on the regional insurance market, which counts a multitude of major insurers and a thriving community of brokers within its ranks.

BIA Countdown: 20 years of major loss

As part of Post’s countdown to the 20th anniversary of the British Insurance Awards in July, we spoke to major loss experts at insurers and claims firms who have experienced wins over the years, asking them how the industry has changed since the first…

Home emergency: State of Emergency

After facing strong criticism in recent months, key figures in the home emergency insurance market are keen to extol the cover’s virtues. What does the future hold for the under-fire sector?

Vehicle Technology: End of the driver?

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, nine motor manufacturers exhibited autonomous car prototypes. What does this technological leap mean for the future of motor insurance?

Horsemeat Scandal: Making hay

The horsemeat crisis first hit the news in January 2013, leading to more regulation in the food industry. However, not all cases resulted in litigation

Costa Concordia: Two years on

Two years after the Costa Concordia ran aground, it has finally been given a date to be removed. What has happened in the marine market in the intervening period?

In Series: Motor: Areas of improvement

With any savings that can be made in the motor market eagerly sought by insurers, what impact are possible savings through intelligent vehicle repair allocation having?

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