Blog Post
Blog: Tiny tech - but how big are the risks?
Insurers need to monitor nanotechnology developments as the miniaturisation trend could pose new, unsuspected risks.
State of Insurer Nation Blog: Understanding risks and improving operating results in the digital era
The digital age is truly upon us, with consumers looking to both research and purchase products using a wide range of devices, wherever and whenever it suits them.
Blog: What the Data & Tech Awards entries reveal about the state of the insurance sector
I was thrilled to be invited by Post to help judge the Data, Analytics and Technology Awards for Insurance 2015. The process provided a welcome opportunity to broadly assess how the insurance has adopted new technology and to review a number of best-in…
State of the Insurer Nation Blog: Extracting value from data through robust policies and expertise
One of the key drivers of innovation in today's insurance market is the ever increasing volume and diversity of data available to insurers, and their ability to apply insight drawn from this data to provide competitive advantage.
Blog: Don't let your clients get burned this Bonfire Night
On Guy Fawkes Night this evening, fireworks and bonfires will bring the family together, creating an enjoyable atmosphere for children and adults alike. However, there is one other thing we need to remember, remember this 5th of November, and that's to…
Blog: How insurers can harness 'Big Data'
The amount of data out there is astronomical, with as many digital bits as there are stars in our universe - and it's rapidly expanding.
State of the Insurer Nation Blog: Working in unison to combat insurance risks
Government and insurers need to cooperate against cyber crime as they already do against traditional risks.
Blog: Lay executors of wills unaware of liability risks
Increasingly people are being asked to take on the role of executor following the death of a friend or relative. In the past, it was common practice to name a solicitor or bank in a will as the main executor. But a Censuswide survey shows 75% of people…
Blog: The end of the commodities super cycle and its effect on the risk climate and the claims environment
On the surface, all indicators point towards positive growth in global gross domestic product. But this cannot hide the serious effect the changing macro-economic trends are having on the risk environment, notably the end of the commodities super cycle.
State of the Insurer Nation Blog: The impact of regulation on insurers and policyholders
Strong regulation of the insurance sector is a necessity that safeguards customer interests, but this needs to be balanced with protecting the commercial viability of insurers.
Blog: Product ratings gaining momentum as an alternative to claims ratios
In my last blog for Post, I pitched the idea of product ratings as an alternative to claims ratios. I am delighted to say that the debate has moved on significantly in recent weeks, thanks to an independent review company which publishes star ratings for…
Blog: Advanced analytics - music to insurers' ears
Fraud is costing European insurance companies billions of pounds every year. But by using big data and advanced analytics, the industry can make fraudsters face the music.
CMCs: A time and a place
Earlier in the year I used this blog to vent my frustrations at being targeted by a claims company about a phantom road accident that I had apparently been involved in.
Blog: Social media's impact on product recall - The ultimate canary in the coal mine?
The Financial Times recently reported that General Motors was using tiny recalls to head off protracted safety campaigns that have battered the automotive industry's reputation. So far, so unrevealing. The automotive sector habitually uses 'soft' recalls…
Blog: How to prepare for the Insurance Act's duty of disclosure
Among the many impacts the Insurance Act 2015 will have on insurers, brokers and insured parties alike is the duty of disclosure. The inherent question is: if a material change is in the public domain, does this mean an insurer is deemed to know about it?
Blog: Insurers and the late payment of claims provisions of the Enterprise Bill
The Enterprise Bill 2015 provisions on late payment of claims have caused some disquiet within the insurance industry, although they should merely reinforce good practice.
Blog: How do customers really view their insurance claims process?
Consumers these days have a huge number of valuable possessions that they want insured, and they have a wide number of insurers to choose from.
Blog: Into the Solvency II home stretch
Time moves fast in the autumn. The moment summer ends, Halloween is upon us, followed rapidly by Bonfire Night, Christmas, New Year... and, oh yes, Solvency II.
Tech blog: no prize for second place in the digital race
The race to be the leading digital insurer is well under way but recent research suggests existing general insurers are at risk of losing customers amid demand for smartphone interaction with new entrants better positioned to gain the advantage.
Blog: Breaking down the barrier of mistrust
Given half a chance and insurers will wax lyrical about how ‘being there’ for policyholders in their time of need is what forms the foundation of an ancient and noble business model.
Blog: Digital drivers for insurance innovation
Digital insurance is a rising trend. As mobile-only banks emerge, it will surely not be long before insurance providers follow suit. Digital is moving the goalposts on customer expectations regarding speed and efficiency. But with most of their…
Penny Black's Insurance Week - 17 September 2015
At her age, Penny could be forgiven for forgetting names but when making an acquisition announcement, surely, there is no room for confusion.
Blog: Less than six months to the SIMR - How to prepare
The introduction of Senior Insurance Managers Regime is set to transform organisational structures throughout the insurance sector. With less than six months to go until the legislation comes into force, much of the industry is simply not prepared and…