Law report: Dismissed appeal aids solicitors acting on behalf of insurers
This law report has been contributed by national law firm Berrymans Lace Mawer.
Law report: Regulations are starting point for assessing liability — not conduct
This law report has been contributed by national law firm Berrymans Lace Mawer.
Post Europe: Transport risk management
With constantly shifting suppliers and sales markets as well as the increase in use of outsourced production sites, companies face more and more transport exposures for their cargo. As Pascal Matthey explains, fast and safe deliveries require a holistic…
Transport risk management
With constantly shifting suppliers and sales markets as well as the increase in use of outsourced production sites, companies face more and more transport exposures for their cargo. As Pascal Matthey explains, fast and safe deliveries require a holistic…
Professionalism indemnity - Estate agents & surveyors: Free agents
Estate agents seem to be enjoying a stable professional indemnity environment, despite the housing market crisis. Jane Bernstein explains why.
In Series - Professionalism & CPD: Welcome news
In the past, cutbacks and technology take-up have threatened to render underwriters the forgotten child of the insurance industry. Rachel Gordon reports on a welcome shift in attitude and determination to raise the profile of these specialist…
In Series - Professionalism & CPD: Driving forward
In the midst of a financial crisis, Alan Woof commends the insurance industry's enhanced investment in professional development of underwriters but calls for co-ordinated efforts to push further.
Regulation - health & safety: Safe from harm
The coalition government has pledged to end the culture of health and safety 'tick-box' regulation for UK businesses. Phil Wright assesses the impact on the engineering inspection sector and the role the insurance industry has to play in helping…
Renewable energy: evolving together
Investment in renewable energies is increasing at a rapid rate and the opportunities are plenty, however, as Ignacio Almazán explains insurers must evolve with this sector to ensure continued cover.
Renewable energy: evolving together
Investment in renewable energies is increasing at a rapid rate and the opportunities are plenty, however, as Ignacio Almazán explains insurers must evolve with this sector to ensure continued cover.
Country report: Mexico - An impact felt 25 years later
Though lessons have been learned since the Michoac√°n earthquake, many buildings in Mexico City remain at great risk, write Tao Lai, Khoshrow Shabestari and Vineet Katiyar.
Exposure management: Forewarned is forearmed
Suki Basi argues that further market transparency is necessary in order to deliver improved exposure management
Talent: Mind the gap
Gordon Vater highlights the need for (re)insurance to beware of a looming recruitment crisis as experienced industry personnel edge toward retirement and graduates stampede towards better-known areas in financial services.
Bermuda politics: Under starter's orders: Bermuda's leadership race
The confrontational bombast of Bermudan premier Ewart Brown is shortly to come to an end, much to the relief of international business on the island. Matthew Taylor reviews the candidates to succeed him.
Global business, hidden danger
The US and EU have new trade sanctions against Iran. (Re)insurers must be aware of both sets of regulations as well as potential for supra-national jurisdiction, argue Jamie Rogers and Pieter van Tol.
Talent: Shooting stars
Reinsurance uncovers the reasons behind the successes of some of the industry's brightest young things.
Monte Carlo roundtable: State of play
Mairi Mallon leads proceedings at the annual PricewaterhouseCoopers-sponsored Reinsurance roundtable at the Monte Carlo Rendezvous, where industry experts gathered to talk about the industry's hot topics.
Viewpoint: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Solvency II
Solvency II is looming large on the horizon but, argue Henry Sopher and Ann Duffy, despite the guidelines' complex language and detailed instructions, the run-off market can make it through this new universe by simply applying sound business sense and…
Exposure management in action - Munich Re
In 2009, Munich Re - which pursues an integrated business model consisting of both primary insurance and reinsurance - achieved a profit of €2.56bn on premium income of around €41bn. It operates in all lines of insurance, with around 47,000 employees…
Customer value management: Improving margins
Broker marketing skills have become ever more important in the personal lines market, with the growth of online aggregators. Tim Ham reports on the increased need for customer value management to optimise profit.
In series - Professionalism and CPD: The gold standard
Brokers have embraced the professional development mantra of producing highly skilled employees.
In series - Professionalism & CPD: Banging the drum
Lynn Richards-Cole extols the virtues of professionalism for brokers and details why technical skill development is essential in serving customers.
Broking focus - SME: Survival of the fittest
Are brokers right to see SME as a 'safe house' for commercial insurance, Jakki May asks if direct insurers can really have an impact on the sector and how intermediaries can counteract this threat.
Environmental liability - under-insurance: Clean up your act
Environmental insurance is regularly purchased by companies looking to cover historical liabilities rather than their day-to-day operational risks. Tony Lennon examines the reasons behind this decision.