Flying high
If you want to win, share your knowledge
Inside view
On the crest of a wave
Sector profile: Asian marine
Brokers, do your duty - to clients and reinsurers alike
Ben Crook examines a reinsurance broker's post-placement duty of care in the light of a recent high-profile film-finance case
Japan starts buying quake cover again
Country profile: Japan
Convergence commands changes
Inside View
French market steps back from the brink
Country profile: France
What the US can learn from Australia
Disaster planning
The secret of my success
Recruitment moves
Policy obligations must be fulfilled
Euler Hermes UK v Apple Computer BV (Court of Appeal - 4 April 2006)
Right turns
Defending Liability Cases
RTA judgement saves insurer from £1m bill
Andrew Mcminn v Iain Mcminn and Aioi Insurance Company of Europe (Queen's Bench Division - 11 April 2006)
This is the modern world
CILA Claims Forum
Prisoner appeal overturned
Watkins v Home Office and others (House of Lords - 29 March 2006)
Commentary - Always worth inviting court
The court will look at the parties' conduct when considering what costs order is appropriate and thi...
At the movies
Film Finance