How do you square the triangle?
Will changes to the existing practices for setting claims reserves lead to more accurate estimates? Ask Dmitri Subotsky and Julia Mazur, associates at JLT Re
Learning the lessons of Katrina
As the 2006 US hurricane season approaches, Robin Lince looks at coverage litigation in the US following last year's storms and examines the implications for the reinsurance market
A very long FA Cup
Run-off takes off
It's been the graveyard sector of the industry for some time. Now, suddenly, interest in the administration of discontinued books of business is gathering momentum. Philip Grant reports
All change at IRB-Brasil Re
IRB-Brasil Re
Three cheers for mobile capital!
Inside view
Which of these global hotspots is most likely to boil over?
Political risk
What's on the agenda in Monte Carlo?
Re Think
Victory VII
Two court breakthroughs - one in the UK, one in the US - have greatly boosted the potential of a powerful new mechanism for shifting liabilities out of companies in run-off. Scot Ramsay reports
The third degree
Directors' And officers'
Plan of attack
Five years ago
Looking back
Commentary - Employers warned of imminent anti-ageism law
From 1 October this year, the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations will make it unlawful for worker...
In the mood
Off the fence
Wise moves
Claims: personal accident
Animal dispute brings clear definitions to light
Broughton v Bower and another, (Court of Appeal - 25 May 2006)
Fine line drawn under 'at work'
PRP Architects v Reid, (Court of Appeal - 28 July 2006)
Water directive
Roundtable - An industry in flux
UK Loss Adjusters 2006
The Italian job
Overseas Focus: Italy
Firm Spotlight
UK Loss Adjusters 2006