Post Europe Q&A - Vanbreda
In the second of a regular focus on European insurance companies and brokers, Post Europe talks to the management of Vanbreda, the Belgium-based broker, which is part of the EOS Risq group.
The risk of volcanoes
Though rare events and to some extent predictable short term, volcanoes nonetheless present a grave risk to life and property in developing nations and major metropolitan centres alike, writes Tim Evershed
The case for risk management and ratings
Yann Le Pallec discusses the role that enterprise risk management plays in the (re)insurance sector and the methodology used in deriving opinions regarding the strength of a reinsurer's ERM
A step forward
A year ago, talk of the huge expansion opportunities offered by the central and eastern European insurance markets was commonplace. Recession, though, has moved the focus from growth to consolidation, profitability and efficiency, writes Daniela Ghetu
What's up in construction and engineering?
Katherine Blackler examines the effects of the recession on construction and engineering markets along with the risks and opportunities for reinsurers presented in 2010
Spreading the insurance message in Latin America
Could the Haitian earthquake lead to the dawn of insurance for all in Latin America? Amador Torrealba considers the region's options
Steady as she goes
Our roundup of readers' opinions reveals that 2010 is expected to be a year of budgetary and spending stability. Rates also remain broadly stable
Rehabilitation - Multi-track: A patchwork of approaches
How can insurers and lawyers improve the rehabilitation process for those who have suffered serious injuries? Andrew Underwood looks at the advances made in this field.
Broker Technology - Motor: Making IT accurate
The British Insurance Brokers' Association is urging its members to sign up to DVLA vehicle registration validation technology. Stephanie Denton looks at why 80% of regional brokers don't use it.
Broker Focus - International Networks: Rings around the world
Joining an international network can bring huge advantages for a UK-based broker. Rachel Gordon reports on the benefits involved.
Professionalism: Aldermanbury Declaration - Something to declare
The Aldermanbury Declaration sets out some ambitious proposals. Lynn Rouse reports on the ideas put forward and details the task force's vision for 2013.
Legal Analysis - School Liability: Holding the line
The recent case against Ridgeway school raised important questions. Nick Yates examines why the case needed to be fought.
Legal analysis - fraudulent misrepresentation: Love my tender
When does an ambitious sales pitch become a fraud? Dipti Hunter and Michael Williams report on the difficulties in proving fraudulent misreprentation.
Legal analysis - Storm Claims: Covered by snow?
Stuart White examines cases of when snow is causative of damage and the all-important definition of storm.
Middle East - qualifications: An emerged market
Five years after establishing a Middle East base, Mark Greenwood details how the Chartered Insurance Institute is developing and delivering relevant qualifications in the local markets.
Middle East - Market Overview: Room for growth
While most in the insurance industry will not be looking to expand in the current global economy, Jane Bernstein points to an area where there are substantial opportunities for those willing to take the plunge.
Roundtable: Online product delivery - Rise of the machines
The internet has had an enormous impact on the insurance industry, Post hosted a roundtable to find out its influence on product delivery. Stephanie Denton reports.
In Series - Solvency II: A clear roadmap
Insurers need to now up the momentum in their design and implementation efforts for Solvency II, urges Stephen Lucas.
In Series - Solvency II: Stretching for the summit
Preparing for Solvency IIis turning out to be a much bigger challenge than many initially anticipated. Sam Barrett reports on what companies are doing to scale up in time.
How Incisive Media broke the Greek debt story
Post Europe's sister publication, Risk magazine, has been right at the centre of the current controversy over Greek debt.
Q&A - Ralf Geck of Ecclesia Group
In the first of a regular focus on managers of European insurance companies and brokers, Insurance Insight talks to Ralf Geck of German-based broker Ecclesia Group.
Post Europe Q&A - Ralf Geck of Ecclesia Group
In the first of a regular focus on managers of European insurance companies and brokers, Post Europe talks to Ralf Geck of German-based broker Ecclesia Group.
Legal Expenses - Jackson Impact: Cheque mate
Would Lord Justice Jackson's recommendations on costs reform really decimate the after-the-event market? Veronica Cowan canvasses views from those affected.
Chartered Broker Status: Raising the bar
Now entering its third year, Leigh Jackson assesses take-up and any tangible benefits of the CII's corporate chartered status for brokers.