Biba welcomes changes to “100 year old” insurance laws
The British Insurance Brokers’ Association has responded positively to HM Treasury’s consultation paper on consumer insurance (Disclosure and Representations) bill.
Anti-Jackson campaign group launches
A group of charities, law firms and victim support groups have formed an alliance in opposition to Lord Justice Jackson’s proposals for civil litigation cost reform.
Neal Bill opposition grows
Opposition to the bill proposed in the US congress by senator Richard Neal has continued to grow this month, with the CEA and German government both voicing opposition.
BIS 2010: Baugh claims UK insurance industry lacks cohesive voice
The UK insurance industry may fail to get its voice heard at home and on an international stage because it is too “fractured”.
BIS 2010: Insurers warned over the next wave of "unknown unknowns"
XL Insurance regional operating officer, UK Ireland and Bermuda, Donal Kelly, urged the insurance industry to keep abreast of changing risks.
US Re scopes out Danish terrorism risk market
The European subsidiary of US Re Corporation, international reinsurance brokers, has been selected by Finanstilsynet, the Danish financial Supervisory Authority, to conduct a study of terrorism risk reinsurance capacity in the Danish market.
Interview - Chris Humphries: Surmounting the UK skills challenge
The UK is falling behind on the production of high-skilled jobs, while the value of some degree courses is plummeting. Lynn Rouse talks to UKCES chief executive Chris Humphries about how best to reverse these trends.
Solicitors' PI - regulation: Making the grade
The imminent regulatory sea change in the legal profession offers the ideal opportunity to tackle the unpalatable issue of the assigned risks pool once and for all, asserts Tim Oliver. Sorting the wheat from the chaff early on would benefit all.
View from the top: Cooperation is key to effective flood risk management
Three years on from the devastating 2007 floods, it¹s difficult to forget the images of people¹s homes and businesses under water and the resulting distress and damage to all involved. Last week¹s flooding summit was a timely reminder of the challenges…
Flood progress relies on government spending
The success of last week's flood management summit will depend on whether the government's axe falls on flood defence in its October spending review.
Timber frame guidance set to be published
The Fire Protection Association and insurers technical research group RISC Authority have announced their intention to publish comprehensive guidance aimed at tradesmen installing services into timber frame construction.
Grieving Scottish families must be protected from further trauma
Families mourning the loss of a loved one killed through negligence must not be subjected to the added trauma of intrusion into the deceased’s finances, a parliament committee is set to hear today.
Former parliamentary insurance chair Greenway joins claims firm board
Claim Experts has appointed former chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Insurance and Financial Services Jon Greenway as a non-executive director.
Interview: Two is better than one
Katherine Blackler talks to Swiss Re's Alex Kaplan - vice-president of regulatory affairs - and Michael Natal - vice-president of tax - about their unconventional specialisms and the potential impact of the Neal Bill
Collins Solicitors responds to Lord Young’s review
Des Collins, senior partner of Collins Solicitors, has responded to the predicted conclusion of Lord Young's review.
Torrance hails climate change report
Climate Wise has welcomed the first national assessment of the UK’s climate change praperedness.
Aviva teams up with homeless charity
Aviva has teamed up with the charity Railway Children to launch its first ever cause related marketing programme.
FSA chairman warns against EU interference in regulation
Lord Adair Turner has insisted the UK’s regulatory system is better served remaining under the control of UK authorities, and not in Brussels, according to reports.
Stakeholders agree flood roadmap
Environment minister Richard Benyon attended a flood management summit and met with insurers to discuss how best to ensure that insurance is widely available for homes at risk of flooding.
Sassoon outlines rescue plan for future failures
Commercial Secretary to the Treasury, Lord Sassoon has set out proposals for a new “special” administration regime to strengthen the UK’s ability to deal with future failures of investment firms.
AA calls for government to resist spending cuts on flood defences
AA Insurance is urging the government to resist any temptation to cut spending on flood defences in its autumn comprehensive spending review.
Postscript - 30 years ago: Conservative donations from insurers
Looking through Post's back catalogue paints a unique picture of more than 150 years of insurance news, as this highlight from 30 years ago reveals.
Postscript - 10 years ago: CIS justifies status to government
Looking through Post's back catalogue paints a unique picture of more than 150 years of insurance news, as this highlight from 10 years ago reveals.
Government set to give go-ahead to draft law reform bill
The government appears to have given the 'green light' to the draft bill on consumer insurance law reform, according to law commissioner David Hertzell. This could take effect as early as next year, he said, which is "two years ahead of when we would…