
Flood Risk: Pours for thought

The 2007 floods were a major UK weather event, costing the insurance industry billions. However, despite similarities, the 2012 floods caused much less damage. What is the reason behind the change?

Your say: More metal theft debate is needed

I’m pleased to see MP Richard Ottaway’s private members bill, the Scrap Metal Dealers Act, receive Royal Assent. Its aim is to regulate the industry, crack down on cash payments and eliminate rogue traders.

Scotland's future: Change is already afoot in Scotland

If the insurance industry needed a reminder that the Scottish Government already has significant power to affect insurance operations, it need look no further than last month’s announcement of a consultation on the Scottish court system. The draft Courts…

Editor's comment: Can’t we all just get along?

A mother’s word is often law. Both sides of whatever argument are heard, and then a ruling is made. Brief mutterings may ensue but these are quickly quashed and life goes on, hopefully in a more peaceful manner.

Editor's comment: Welcome to Scotland

While Scotland is keen to encourage visitors by promoting its major selling points — such as the beautiful highland scenery, Edinburgh castle, the home of golf in St Andrews and the history of quality whisky making — it should beware of introducing a…

Scottish powers already affect industry

The independence debate has been dominating headlines in Scotland, but insurers should keep in mind that the Scottish Parliament already enjoys significant power over issues that are relevant to their business.

Scottish Independence: Scot free?

With a referendum on Scottish independence due next year, will an independent Scotland cause problems for the insurance sector, or is it business as usual?

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