Analysis: Could pet damage insurance soften landlords' 'no pets' stance?
With pet ownership on the rise, could pet damage insurance persuade more landlords to allow their tenants to keep an animal companion?
Small claims track limit changes as whiplash rules get Lords committee green light
Parliamentary under-secretary for the Ministry of Justice, Lord Wolfson has said it is “better late than never” as whiplash regulations passed through the House of Lords with changes to small claims track limit plans.
Analysis: The Scottish redress Bill's waiver conundrum
Scotland's redress Bill was passed by the Scottish parliament in March and sets out a fresh way for residential care abuse survivors to access compensation. But attempts to involve insurers and encourage organisations to contribute have left it with a…
Intelligence: EU Trading - Doing business in Europe
With no post-Brexit equivalence or passporting regime available to UK brokers, they have had to explore other avenues to continue to trade across the European Union. David Worsfold explores the options open to intermediaries and the benefits they can…
LIP whiplash portal guide to 'hopefully' arrive by early April
The litigants in person guide for the whiplash portal will "hopefully" be published by early April, according to a Ministry of Justice update.
PI Analysis: Construction sector locked out by high rising premiums
Many companies in the construction sector are struggling to obtain professional indemnity insurance cover, with the Grenfell Tower fire and the building safety crisis key drivers of premium hardening and exclusions.
Brokers urge push back on soaring contributions as FSCS levy total poised to break £1bn
Brokers have called for the insurance industry to kick back against the increase in their Financial Services Compensation Scheme levy with the sector’s bill set to more than triple to £146.8m in 2021/22.
MoJ publishes long awaited pre-action protocol as it confirms May debut for whiplash reforms
The Ministry of Justice has published vital rules for the whiplash portal, including the pre-action protocol and practice direction.
UK government plans to swerve EU Vnuk law
The British government is planning to avoid the European Union’s controversial Vnuk law, which requires compulsory insurance for vehicles including golf buggies and mobility scooters even on private land.
Whiplash pre-action protocol progressing through CPRC
Some progress is being made on getting whiplash portal rules in front of the Lord Chancellor for approval, Civil Procedure Rule Committee meeting minutes suggest.
Analysis: On the trail of e-scooter trials
Policymakers, retailers and environmentalists hope that e-scooters will be a green saviour. Trials to ascertain the risks are ongoing, as the insurance industry watches on with a wary eye.
Blog: Whiplash portal may never live up to expectations but still time to prevent government IT disaster
The government needs to use the short delay to the Civil Liability Act wisely, says Matthew Maxwell Scott, executive director of the Association of Consumer Support Organisations.
Commission-hungry claims firms target Covid-hit businesses
Claims firms and no-win-no-fee solicitors have ramped up attempts to get businesses to make Covid-related claims with them following the Supreme Court business interruption ruling – but insurance experts are concerned that fees could be as much as 40% of…
Insurers could face higher BI claims payouts as businesses look to Enterprise Act
Some business interruption policyholders are looking to claim damages under the Enterprise Act (2006) for late payouts, following the Supreme Court's verdict in the regulator's test case.
Briefing: Has the MOJ bitten off more than it can chew with whiplash reforms?
Perhaps the only surprise about today’s delay to part one of the Civil Liability Act (2018) whiplash reforms is that they are only being put back one month.
Whiplash reforms pushed back to May
Whiplash reforms have been pushed back to May, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Robert Buckland confirmed today.
Blog: Insurers must be prepared as careless drivers face new risk of custodial sentences
With the government announcing that careless driving will carry the possibility of a custodial sentence from 2021, Lili Oliver, Weightmans partner, explores the likely impact on the insurance industry.
Blog: No discount rate change in Northern Ireland but uncertainty remains
The Northern Irish Department of Justice has decided not to change the country's discount rate in line with the existing framework but will wait for reforms. DAC Beachcroft complex injury partner Louise Butler considers the next steps.
Q&A: Brendan Cox, Survivors Against Terror
Brendan Cox, who co-founded Survivors Against Terror following the murder of his wife Jo Cox MP in 2016, recently appeared at the International Forum of Terrorism Risk Insurance Pools conference to discuss the systems through which victims of terror are…
Minster Law posts £1.1m profit as it launches digital claims portal
Minster Law has reported a £1.1m profit for 2019 as it launches a digital claims portal to 75% of its customers.
Fully Comp episode 5: The insurance challenges of automated lane keeping systems
Welcome to the fifth episode of Fully Comp, Insurance Post’s new regular video series tackling some of the biggest issues in insurance.
Analysis: Cladding, waking watches and PI - the ongoing fire safety liability battle
Insurers are facing criticism from residents of high rise buildings over insurance costs, waking watch requirements and taking an overly "binary" approach, while professional indemnity insurance access is driving a fire risk assessor crisis.
No discount rate change for NI yet as country looks to Scottish model
The Department of Justice for Northern Ireland has decided against changing the country's personal injury discount rate until a revised legal framework is in place.
Scrap IPT for young driver telematics insurance, select committee advised
Brokers called for the government to introduce a zero-rate insurance premium tax for young driver telematics policies in oral evidence at the Transport Committee’s inquiry into road safety and young and novice drivers.