Marshberry reveals the top 20 European insurance brokers

Over a quarter of Europe’s largest 20 brokers are UK domiciled with one of those businesses, Howden the second fastest growing intermediary on the continent, according to the latest European Insurance Distribution market report from Marshberry.

Insurance veteran running in snap election

Former owner and CEO of Erskine Murray Insurance Brokers, Tom Bartleet, has announced his intention to stand in the upcoming general election as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Suffolk South.

Top 75 MGAs: PIB Group

PIB Group’s main MGA-MGU activities dealing in UK-based non-life risks in 2022 were Citynet Underwriting Services, Let Alliance, Q Underwriting, Thistle Insurance Services and UKInsuranceNET, according to Insuramore.

Top 75 MGAs 2023: £30m - £40m

AutoProtect, Avantia, CFC Group, EGV (Holdings), Howden Group Holdings, and PIB Group achieved MGA/MGU revenues between £30m and £40 from UK-based non-life risks in 2022.

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