Covea Insurance

Big Interview: Georges de Macedo, Covéa

Georges de Macedo, CEO of Covéa Insurance, reveals how he is pushing the UK arm of French mutual insurance giant back to profitability and why the provider won’t work with MGAs again.

Concerns raised about EV insurance profit margins

Swiss Re Institute has predicted electric vehicles will be half of all new car sales globally by 2035, with 73 million units estimated to be sold in 2040, resulting in the insurance market for this type of motor growing at a similar rate.

Five key takeaways from Post's AI roundtable

Insurance Post recently gathered together a group of insurance technology experts to discuss the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and how insurers need to position themselves to respond to the changing business landscape. Frances Stebbing recounts…

#10 Covéa

France-domiciled Covéa managed to make it into the Top 10 of Insurance Post’s Top 30 European Insurers 2023 List by achieving 20.9% average premium growth for the year.

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