Govt must provide state aid catastrophe 'formula'
A lack of clarity on state aid following catastrophic losses such as flooding has left public author...
ABI continues disclosure battle
The Association of British Insurers was set to outline its case against mandatory commission disclos...
Hiscox syndicate mooted
Hiscox has announced plans for a prospective new syndicate as it unveiled its initial 2009 business ...
BMA appoints NAIC's Walter Bell to board
The Bermuda Monetary Authority has appointed Walter Bell to the BMA board of directors.
RSA in new solicitors PI push
RSA today launched its new solicitors package, offering tailor-made professional indemnity insurance to medium sized solicitor firms.
FSA admits 20% of firms will miss TCF deadline
The Financial Services Authority has today it expects one fifth of all firms to fail to hit the December deadline for demonstrating that they are consistently treating their customers fairly.
FSA admits target failure in 2007/08 annual review
The Financial Services Authority failed to hit 4 of the 100 targets it set itself for 2007/08, it admitted today with the publication of its annual review.
FSA publishes TCF update
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has published its latest update on firms’ progress towards the December deadline for demonstrating that they are consistently treating their customers fairly.
Swiss Re in $150m multi-risk cat bond
Swiss Re has obtained $150m protection against North Atlantic hurricane, European windstorm, Californian earthquake, Japanese earthquake and Japanese typhoon through a natural catastrophe protection programme named Vega Capital Ltd (“Vega”).
RSA launches new bespoke Professional Indemnity product
Insurer RSA today launches a new 'Solicitors' package, offering tailor-made Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance to medium sized solicitor firms. Aimed at firms with a practice of 10 to 40 partners, 'Solicitors' has been designed to address the risks…
Hiscox unveils new syndicate plan
Hiscox has announced plans for a prospective new syndicate as it unveiled its initial 2009 business forecast for Syndicate 33.
Former Zurich risk expert joins Gable
Lucas Slob has been appointed as a non executive director of the Gable Holdings, with Tim Moss stepping down from the board in order to pursue his other business interests.
QBE Americas appoints new CFO
Chris Fish has been appointed chief financial officer, QBE the Americas.
ILFC to remain core AIG asset
ILFC, AIG’s plane leasing and remarketing business will remain a part of the company after a review, said the company in a release.
Prejudice means employers are missing out on talent
Employers are missing out on talent by failing to understand the job-hunting habits of Britain's und...
EC challenges insurers on price alignment
Airmic News
The edge of reason
Legal analysis: personal responsibility
Alec Finch recaptures broker
Alec Finch has bought back part of the business he sold to French insurance broker Verlingue last ye...
Appointment at KPMG
KPMG has appointed Tim Roff as head of insurance risk and actuarial services for KPMG Europe. Mr Rof...
Tory MP joins all-party team
Conservative shadow treasury minister Mark Hoban MP has joined the All-Party Parliamentary Group on ...
Still no evidence for mandatory disclosure
There is still no evidence that commercial insurance customers want mandatory commission disclosure,...
Sir Michael Pitt publishes flood report
Sir Michael Pitt has today called for urgent and fundamental changes in the way the country is adapting to the increased risk of flooding.
Frustration grows over flood law delay
Insurers and MPs welcome the Draft Floods and Water Bill but are frustrated it could take two years to become law and fear the government may fail to stump up the cash.