Speed record attempt
MSL's vehicle supply arm has hooked up with television channel Sky One to help create a speed record...
G20 tax move is welcomed
The G20's decision to take action against 'tax havens' that do not come up to scratch should boost -...
Top five Post stories
The top five most popular stories on over the past week were: 1. NU boss apologise...
Bites of the cherry
Legal Update: Construction all risks
Is that your final answer?
Personal Injury: Mediation
Appointment at Arthur J Gallagher
Matthew Pike has been appointed to the board of Arthur J Gallagher UK. He has been managing direct...
National Friendly targets large corporate PMI
Friendly society National Deposit has revealed its ambition to become a major player in the private ...
Swiss Re cuts staff
Swiss Re has insisted the UK is still a very important location and will remain a key business base ...
Teceris joins CEDR
Loss adjusting firm Teceris is to join the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution as part of an ini...
Reflections on 2004
With five weeks to go until the British Insurance Brokers' Association conference, Post travels back...
The truth behind deposits
According to Ian Larkins' article, insurance backed deposit protection will be withdrawn for deposit...
ETD recommendation
The Association of British Insurers has welcomed a European Parliament recommendation exempting the ...
Looking Back
Looking at Post's back catalogue paints a unique picture of more than 150 years of insurance news, as these highlights from past-articles show
Keep it casual
Legal Update: Employment Law
Moody's: General insurers ratings unlikley to improve significantly despite price hikes
A likely and beneficial increase in premium rates in the UK property and casualty insurance sector is unlikely to significantly improve the current ratings for institutions in the sector, Moody's said today.
Barclays Bank appeals PPI ruling
Barclays Bank has challenged the legality of the Competition Commissions findings on payment protection insurance (PPI).
Watson Wyatt names new insurance boss
Martin Pike has been named as global director of Watson Wyatt's Insurance & Financial Services Consulting Practice, taking effect when Philip Brook retires on 1 July 2009.
FSA wins case against former CEO who "lacked integrity"
The Financial Services Authority has won its case before the Financial Services and Markets Tribunal to ban former Mr Milan Vukelic from working in the financial services industry in the UK. The Tribunal found that Mr Vukelic's actions whilst CEO of…
Gibraltar Government comfortable with the outcome of G20
The Gibraltar government said the territory is well positioned to prosper from the global rising standards of financial services regulation.
Liberty recruits new head to drive construction business
Liberty International Underwriters Europe, a division of Liberty Mutual Group, has appointed François Fournié as its head of technical risk in Paris.
Fortis Insurance set to change name
THE chief executive officer of Fortis UK has revealed it is "highly probable" that its name will change once its sister banking company is sold.
Insurance group seeks delisting
Culver Holdings sahre price fell 42.57% (74.50 pence) to 100.50 pence this morning on news it was looking to cancel its listing on the London Stock Exchange.
European Parliament gives industry boost with discrimination directive
The European Parliament's report on the Equal Treatment Directive published yesterday has been described as "a major step" towards ensuring that UK insurers remain able to use age in assessing risk. The report sets out that the use of age and disability…
Pick of the week
Post senior reporter Sarah Hills looks at the major stories in this week's Post: Zurich Euro chief s...