
FSA MD Norris steps down

Mark Norris, chief operating officer and managing director of the Financial Services Authority, has decided to leave the organisation to "seek fresh challenges and opportunities".

Exclusive online interview: Michaela Koller

With the European insurance industry facing a time of increasing regulation and instability, Post Europe recently spoke to the director general of the CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, about lessons to be learnt from banking,…

Exclusive online interview: Michaela Koller

With the European insurance industry facing a time of increasing regulation and instability, Post Europe recently spoke to the director general of the CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, about lessons to be learnt from banking,…

Galvin joins Ceiop's board

The Committee of Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors has appointed two new managing board members Bill Galvin (United Kingdom, The Pensions Regulator) and Damian Jaworski (Poland, KNF).

Galvin joins Ceiop's board

The Committee of Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors has appointed two new managing board members Bill Galvin (United Kingdom, The Pensions Regulator) and Damian Jaworski (Poland, KNF).

Insurance Insight Interview: Michaela Koller

The European insurance industry is facing a time of increasing regulation and instability. Jonathan Swift talks to the director general of the CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, about lessons to be learnt from banking, Solvency II,…

Cable's committee sharpens scissors

A new Cabinet committee, chaired by business secretary Vince Cable and charged with with reducing the heavy burden of red tape on business, met for the first time today.

IPT rise adds to NHS pressure

The Association of Medical Insurance Intermediaries has slammed the 1% rise in insurance premium tax from 5% to 6% in last week’s Budget claiming it puts the NHS under greater pressure.

House passes financial reform bill

The US House of Representatives approved a landmark overhaul of financial regulations on Wednesday but the Senate put off action until mid-July, delaying a final victory for President Barack Obama.

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