Chartis: regulation deciding factor for London hub choice
The strength of the UK's financial regulation was a deciding factor in London being selected over other major European cities as the hub for Chartis' new regional headquarters.
Chartis confirms London will be base for restructured European operation
Chartis today announced its new structure for the European Economic Area countries and Switzerland.
Chartis confirms London will be base for restructured European operation
Chartis today announced its new structure for the European Economic Area countries and Switzerland.
Japanese regulator to abolish asset allocation rules
Japan's Financial Services Agency plans to eliminate investment rules restricting asset allocations at life and non-life (re)insurers, according to newswire Reuters.
IFB appoints head of analytics
The Insurance Fraud Bureau has announced the appointment of Kevin Reid as head of analytics with effect from 28 June.
London market focused on M&A
Expansion, growth and mergers are highest on a list of issues of most concern to London market brokers and carriers, according to a recent survey.
FSA MD Norris steps down
Mark Norris, chief operating officer and managing director of the Financial Services Authority, has decided to leave the organisation to "seek fresh challenges and opportunities".
Exclusive online interview: Michaela Koller
With the European insurance industry facing a time of increasing regulation and instability, Post Europe recently spoke to the director general of the CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, about lessons to be learnt from banking,…
Exclusive online interview: Michaela Koller
With the European insurance industry facing a time of increasing regulation and instability, Post Europe recently spoke to the director general of the CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, about lessons to be learnt from banking,…
Caribbean risk pool prepares for "above normal" hurricane activity
All 16 members of the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility have renewed their policies for hurricane and earthquake coverage for the 2010/11 year beginning on 1 June – the start of the hurricane season.
Galvin joins Ceiop's board
The Committee of Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors has appointed two new managing board members Bill Galvin (United Kingdom, The Pensions Regulator) and Damian Jaworski (Poland, KNF).
Galvin joins Ceiop's board
The Committee of Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors has appointed two new managing board members Bill Galvin (United Kingdom, The Pensions Regulator) and Damian Jaworski (Poland, KNF).
Insurance Insight July
Insurance Insight’s July edition is now live.
Insurance Insight Interview: Michaela Koller
The European insurance industry is facing a time of increasing regulation and instability. Jonathan Swift talks to the director general of the CEA, the European insurance and reinsurance federation, about lessons to be learnt from banking, Solvency II,…
Cable's committee sharpens scissors
A new Cabinet committee, chaired by business secretary Vince Cable and charged with with reducing the heavy burden of red tape on business, met for the first time today.
IPT rise adds to NHS pressure
The Association of Medical Insurance Intermediaries has slammed the 1% rise in insurance premium tax from 5% to 6% in last week’s Budget claiming it puts the NHS under greater pressure.
House passes financial reform bill
The US House of Representatives approved a landmark overhaul of financial regulations on Wednesday but the Senate put off action until mid-July, delaying a final victory for President Barack Obama.
Ernst & Young names Baldwin new insurance boss
Andy Baldwin has been named managing partner of Ernst & Young’s Europe, Middle East, India and Africa Financial Services business.
Ernst & Young names Baldwin new insurance boss
Andy Baldwin has been named managing partner of Ernst & Young’s Europe, Middle East, India and Africa Financial Services business.
Climate change - Governance: Running hot and cold
Risk managers have been gearing up for the impact of climate change, but one area of uncertainty remains. Lindene Patton takes a look at the political and regulatory factors.
Post in print - 1 July 2010
Post reporter Amy Ellis provides a 60-second round-up of the major news headlines from tomorrow's issue of Post.
Ex-AIG's Cassano defends no-losses proclamation
The former head of the AIG unit that led to a $182bn bailout pledge from taxpayers stood by a 2007 proclamation that the insurer would not lose even a dollar on a portfolio of securities that included subprime mortgages.
Post Magazine – 1 July 2010
Subscribers to Post can now read the latest edition online as a digital interactive e-book.
Aon Benfield recommends internal models to boost reinsurance value under Solvency II
Aon Benfield has launched a new report that examines the many different facets of the Solvency II framework ahead of the scheduled 2012 inception of the protocol.