Co-op to address European mutual conference
Europe’s mutual and cooperative insurers will hold their second biennial Congress, in Genoa, Italy, from 24 to 26 May 2010, on the theme “mutuality today: sustainable values” at the invitation of Italian members, Reale Mutua, Itas and Unipol.
Co-op to address European mutual conference
Europe’s mutual and cooperative insurers will hold their second biennial Congress, in Genoa, Italy, from 24 to 26 May 2010, on the theme “mutuality today: sustainable values” at the invitation of Italian members, Reale Mutua, Itas and Unipol.
Axa study compares GB young drivers with European counterparts
An international research study from Axa has shown that young British drivers are a better risk on the road than some of their European counterparts.
Axa study compares GB young drivers with European counterparts
An international research study from Axa has shown that young British drivers are a better risk on the road than some of their European counterparts.
UK director given role on Berlusconi's economic task force
Professor Davide Sola has been named as a member of the Banca Del Sud Italia committee by the Italian government.
Vittoria Assicurazioni to report targets
Italian insurance company Vittoria Assicurazioni is due to hold a presentation to the financial community in Milan later today when it will present its 2010 targets.
Swiss insurer reports 39.1% leap in profits
Business volume rose 20% to CHF 6,711m (2008: CHF 5712.3m), and it had a combined ratio (net) of 91.8 per cent (2008: 89.1 per cent).
Spotlight on Spain - The Spanish direct insurance market
At its traditionalist heart, the insurance industry has always existed on the tried and tested intermediary-based distribution channel, with the broker or agent, a champion of the policyholder, working tirelessly to find the consumer the best deal.
Italian insurer records rise in GI premiums
However, Vittoria Assicurazioni reported a net Profit attributable to parent company shareholders of € 16.9m in 2009, a drop of -16.1%.
Italian insurer records rise in GI premiums
However, Vittoria Assicurazioni reported a net Profit attributable to parent company shareholders of € 16.9m in 2009, a drop of -16.1%.
French insurer finalises transaction after Barclays deal
After obtaining customary regulatory approvals, CNP Assurances had finalised the transaction with Rentipar Seguros SGPS for the sale of its stakes of 83.52% et 83.57% respectively in Global - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. and Global Vida - Companhia de…
French insurer finalises transaction after Barclays deal
After obtaining customary regulatory approvals, CNP Assurances had finalised the transaction with Rentipar Seguros SGPS for the sale of its stakes of 83.52% et 83.57% respectively in Global - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. and Global Vida - Companhia de…
Admiral: no sacred cows
Admiral has admitted there are "no sacred cows" among its burgeoning international operation, but that it remains committed to the loss making insurance businesses for now.
Aon in acquisition talks in Italy
Italian paper reports that Aon are looking to expand its business in the region through acquisitions.
Aon in acquisition talks in Italy
Italian paper reports that Aon are looking to expand its business in the region through acquisitions.
Admiral's international arm contributes £47m as profit jumps 7%
It added its customer numbers were up 19% to 2.08 million (2008: 1.75m), profit from UK car insurance was up 15% to £207m (2008: £180m).
Admiral's international arm contributes £47m as profit jumps 7%
It added its customer numbers were up 19% to 2.08 million (2008: 1.75m), profit from UK car insurance was up 15% to £207m (2008: £180m).
Generali GI premiums down in 2009
During 2009, performance slipped in motor policies (-2.4%), affected by the trend in policy rates, particularly in the first nine months, Generali added, and the decrease in new vehicle registrations.
Generali GI premiums down in 2009
During 2009, performance slipped in motor policies (-2.4%), affected by the trend in policy rates, particularly in the first nine months, Generali added, and the decrease in new vehicle registrations.
CNP's profits exceed €1bn
Premium income outside France surges 93.4% to €6.3 bn (up 65.8% under French GAAP) led by CNP Vita in Italy, Caixa Seguros in Brazil and CNP Vida in Spain.
Generali GI premiums tipped to fall again
However, analyst KBW is looking for a slight improvement in sequential quarterly sales in life and expect sequential growth (4Q/3Q) of 9%, the first sequential growth since 1Q09 (3%).
Italian insurer sees 7.5% jump in motor business
Vittoria Assicurazioni reported that it wrote € 671.3m (+6.4%) of premiums in 2009, of which €541.5m (+5.0%) was non life.
Italian insurer sees 7.5% jump in motor business
Vittoria Assicurazioni reported that it wrote € 671.3m (+6.4%) of premiums in 2009, of which €541.5m (+5.0%) was non life.
Groupama outlines float and buy plan
Jean Azéma, Groupama CEO, details his ideas for the group in interview.