
A word of thanks.

May I through your letters column express my deepest appriciation for the generosity shown to me at ...

No blame, no penalty.

Claims for cars damaged while parked will not result in the loss of no claims bonus for RAC Insuranc...

Yachtsure is chosen.

Yachtsure has been chosen to provide the insurance coverage for The Cable and Wireless "Adventurer" ...

A fair wicket.

Although London is still home to many insurers, some who have set up outside the big smoke have built a stronghold in leafy Kent and Surrey. Alex Miller discovered the counties' attractions.

ReaEDI for action.

Congregational & General has launched its first product, Countrywide Home Choice EDI, which allows a...

Free jobless cover.

Customers are entitled to three months free unemployment cover under a new scheme by specialist unde...

Cautious welcome.

Home Affairs Minister Alun Michael has given a "cautious welcome" to the latest crime figures which ...

Age Concern overhaul.

Age Concern Insurance has revamped its Jubilee scheme to launch a new home and contents insurance po...

What the papers say.

THE INDEPENDENT What is a Bernie? A friend of diarist Pandora has discovered this invigorating ne...

Guides from InStep.

InStep, the Association of British Insurers' electronic trading package, has oiled the wheels of inf...

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