Virgin stakes out fledgling student site.
Online insurance service has acquired a 40% stake in fledgling website studentwatc... signing.
Online insurance intermediary has signed up broker Quoteline Direct, a subsidiary of Wils...
Ace seeks millions in damages from Cigna
Ace has initiated legal action against Cigna Corporation for breach of contract arising from Ace's $3...
Labuan is back
Malaysian reinsurer Labuan Re has re-entered the Lloyd's market through Chaucer Holdings. Chaucer s...
Labuan Re enters Lloyd's market
Malaysian reinsurer Labuan Re is to underwrite on the Chaucer syndicates at Lloyd's for the 2001 year...
Online threat to high-street motor.
Online direct motor insurance will lead to the extinction of traditional high-street motor intermedi...
Hugh Robertson congratulates band.
Hugh Robertson, managing director of H&R Insurance Services (left), last week congratulated the Gram...
Mitsui ups its Lloyd's stake.
Japanese-backed Lloyd's syndicate 3210 is looking to take on more staff and increase its capacity in...
Micro portal lacks customisation.
Through the internet maze with Richard Griffiths.
Insurers don't see i2i with Misys.
Software house Misys has so far failed to sign up any more insurers to its joint venture to develop ...
What the Papers Say.
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH An American actress flew across the Atlantic to claim damages from the stylis...
Courtesy cars.
Car hire company LCH Car Rentals has been appointed by accident management service Town & Country to...
Listen to your clients.
Modern loss adjusters have to be more sensitive to clients' needs, develop better interpersonal skil...
ROSPA test a winner.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents advanced motorcycle test has become the first of i...
GAB Robins responds to recent fire.
Loss adjuster GAB Robins responded to a recent fire at an offshore conference centre and leisure fac...
IT: Proactis makes perfect.
Cornhill Insurance is planning to bring its IT procurement back in-house, and is to run a pilot usin...
Use the experts and gain control.
Use the experts, was the plea from Tony Le Fevre, managing director of the Loss Management Group, ad...
Running the risk.
Motor trade specialist Road Runner has re-launched its combined policy for motor traders and small g...
PIA: Interlink fined.
The Personal Investment Authority has fined Interlink Premier Network £25,000 for compliance failing...
A priceless gem.
Two-thirds of people have little or no idea what their jewellery is worth, according to the latest s...
E-net worth.
Wading through the deluge of new internet-based broker systems can be a daunting task. Jacqui Jones weighs up the benefits of some of the packages currently available.
StatUS launches next phase in new system.
Universal Salvage has launched the next phase of its online vehicle control and reporting system, St...
Insurance miles hit by Act.
Motor insurer Direct Line's plans to import a radical new means of charging motorists for their insu...
Zurich scoops seven.
Insurer Zurich picked up seven awards at the Institute of Insurance Brokers insurance industry award...