
Top 100 UK insurers - 2009

AM Best's top 100 insurer rankings in full, according to Financial Services Authority returns for 2009.

Post powerlist 2010: The influential crowd

Over the past 12 months the UK insurance industry has faced the global recession head on, taken the change of government in its stride and has shown that it is ready to face oncoming regulation in the form of Solvency II. Below we name the major players…

Postbox: Exclusion key to fraud prevention

Richard Davies' article 'Time to share fraud data' () highlights an age-old problem: that insurance fraud is ok for many policyholders — unless they get caught. But why not exclusion?

Health insurance - IPT rise: A bitter pill

With the failure of the industry's efforts to persuade the Treasury to freeze, or indeed lower, insurance premium tax on private medical insurance, Veronica Cowan looks at what it would take to lobby more effectively.

Zurich reshapes global life business

Zurich has appointed four regional chief executives within global life, Europe, Asia Pacific & Middle East, North America and Latin America.

Penny Black's insurance week

Penny was interested to read about the fiery Prudential shareholder meeting on Monday this week, following its failed bid for Asia's AIA.

Prudential AIA bid collapses

Prudential’s bid to acquire AIG’s Asian arm, AIA, has collapsed in the early hours of this morning, according to reports.

Prudential faces ‘no’ votes over AIA deal

F&C Investments and Cavendish Asset Management, two investors in the insurer Prudential, have both indicated they are to vote ‘no’ on the firm’s proposed acquisition of AIG’s Asian arm, AIA

More analysts warn on Prudential’s AIA deal

A chorus of opposition is growing against Prudential's $35.5bn takeover of AIA, with analysts from Singapore to London flagging risks to the deal just weeks ahead of the critical shareholder vote, according to newswire Reuters.

Pru and AIG in talks on restructuring AIA sale

AIG and Prudential are in advanced talks to restructure the $35.5bn sale of AIA, the AIG’s Asian unit, in a move that would cut the cash consideration by about $2bn but could answer UK regulators’ last-minute objections to the deal according to the…

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